
Can someone please tell me whether they think a ferret is a good pet and a little about them?

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Can someone please tell me whether they think a ferret is a good pet and a little about them?




  1. Ferrets stink almost like skunks if you don't keep them clean... really, really, really clean.

    They typically all have major differences in temperment and personality. I've never really enjoyed their company.


    I find them to be too much work.. they need at least 2-3 hours out of the cage a day..

    see the link - its honest info about ferret care.

  3. they are awsome I LOVE THEM

  4. I have 3 ferrets and I absolutely love them! You have to keep in mind that they need to be out of their cage at least 2-3 hours a day. They can sleep up to 18 hours a day, so when they are up, they are little balls of energy:] Ferrets are carnivores and should be fed meat, along with their ferret food that can be bought in pet stores. I would recommend Marshall ferret food, its great! If you get a ferret from a pet store, you most likely will be getting a fairly young one. Because of that most people add water to the ferret pellets to make it easier to eat. They need a big cage, with lots of levels. I can recomend a really great cage, that is not alot or money compared to most ferret cages, but is a great size( Especially if you buy more than one, which most people do. Most people buy them in groups of 2 or 3, because they are very social animals. And most ferrets enjoy hammocks in their cage to sleep in, their not that expensive. Ferrets can be litter trained somewhat easily, you just have to stick to it. For that reason, a litter box should be placed in their cage. Like i said, ferrets sleep alot so towls should be placed on the bottom of their cage for them to cuddle in (nothing is more adorable than a sleepy ferret cuddled up in a towel sleeping.) There alot more to owning a ferret than most people think, so please contact me with any more questions you might have, my email is Please feel free to contact me, I have 3 ferrets an would be delighted to help. Good luck! :]

  5. Like...Hello!

  6. they s smell really bad ewww (blocks nose)


  7. Ferrets are AMAZING i love them


    so u need to let them out in a room at least every other day for about an hour and scoop their litter box when their out and make sure they always have food and water give them baths about once a month

    hope i helped

    oh um just a warning most every ferret will get cancer in its life time

    sorry to say but my veternarian said that and thats how i lost two of my ferrets

  8. yes they are good pets very loving as long as there needs are met.a lot of people think they stink but if you keep there cage clean they are great.

  9. yea i here they are really gorgeous pets!

    they are known for the occasional nip and are VERY smelling if their cage is dirty for a while.

    if you are prepared to clean its cage every day, then go for it!!

  10. ferrets are a good pet i don't no much about them.

  11. no way rats and guinnea pigs are a whole lot better because they actually bond with you

    hvae fun LOL :)

  12. ferrets are good pets. but they cant be kept in cages all the time.

    they need the freedom to roam around your house or room most of the time. they are more like cats then any other pet people keep. and they get into everything so you have to ferret proof where they will be running around. but if you do that and keep them happy you will claim they are the best pets in the world.

    they are extremely playful and friendly, if you don't neglect them.

    they need a lot of attention and love

    i do think they are very good pets

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