
Can someone please tell me why Palin isn't like a Washingtion insider?

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Palin up on Charges of Abuse of Power. That seems to me this is just like Bush and his staff did in the White House. Even Senator Stevenson is up on these charges.




  1. It is all politics. She is not a Washington insider since she has probably only been there on vacation.

  2. The charges of FAKE, its POLITICAL!!!!

    The accuser is blogger and rental car executive Andrew Halcro, a Republican-turned-Independent who lost to Palin in the 2006 governor's race.

    The man in the middle is Monegan, who says Palin never told him to fire the trooper, but he felt pressure to do so from members of her administration.

    Then there's trooper Mike Wooten, who used a Taser on his stepson, Palin's nephew Payton. Wooten has been reprimanded for violating nearly a dozen laws and departmental policies since December 2001.

    It's now in the hands of a state-hired investigator working for a Republican-dominated legislative committee that hopes to sort out the mess.

    State lawmakers have long said they understand that Monegan and other commissioners serve at will, meaning they can be fired by Palin at any time.

    This investigation into Monegan's dismissal has more than its share of subplots as well. The probe into Palin's involvement if any was ordered by a Republican-dominated state legislative council that includes one of the lawmakers under a federal bribery indictment. And Branchflower, the investigator, is a former Anchorage prosecutor whose wife used to work for Monegan at the Anchorage Police Department.

  3. First, of all she has not been found to do anything wrong. It sounds more like retaliation as she got a lot of Republicans boosted out of office for ethics violations.

    Also first thing she did once in office, was fire the Governor chef, and sell the state plane to save the State money, then canceled the bridge to no where saving all of us federal tax payers a ton of money.

    Doesn't sound like a Washington insider to me.  

  4. She is just like a Washington insider, except she doesn't live there. It's funny how she is touting her anti-bridge to nowhere stance, when originally she had been all for it.  

  5. She is Honest and sincere, Cleaned out the crooks in Alaska, The cop tasered  his step children, Sounds like a good cop.

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