
Can someone please tell me why...

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Why stay at home moms are so looked down upon? Do they think we are second class citizens?




  1. Feminism has caused Full Time Moms to be looked down upon. Mostly because women who choose to work while their babies lay in cribs at daycare feel guilty about their choices, and Moms who stay home make them feel even guiltier. Do not make anyone make you feel badly for choosing to actually raise your own children!

  2. Despite claiming to be about liberation, feminism doesn't want women to be free to choose to be a SAHM e.g.

    "Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that". Vivian Gornick, The Daily Illini (Urbana), 25 April 1981.

    However I think we are all starting to see exactly what it means to be 'liberated' into the boring/frustrating world of work (commuting, long hours, office politics etc) especially when for many women it means spending a lot of your wages on a childminder & missing up on a lot of your child's growing up.

    Personally I think that the 'liberation to work' myth is really going to backfire on the feminists. Full-time life-long career work only works for people who don't want to raise kids, and it was pretty heartless of feminists to push an idea that suited them onto people who it doesn't really suit at all.

  3. I think some women think that because a mom has chosen to stay at home with their kids that they aren't taking advantage of all the advances that women have made and that they're just taking a step backwards. I personally think that there is nothing wrong and being a stay at home mom and it is a very difficult job.  

  4. Who looks down on you for being a SAHM?

    Feminists fight for your right to choose. Unfortunately, anti-feminists keep quoting the same feminist books that were written 20 or 30 years ago. The VAST majority of feminists today disagree with much of what they had to say A QUARTER OF A CENTURY AGO.

    The only people who say that feminists look down on you, are the idiotic anti-feminists who have no idea about basic feminist principles. I doubt you'll find many feminists who don't respect your lifestyle choice.

    Why would we?

  5. "I am saying an educated, competent adult's place is in the office," Hirshman told "Good Morning America." In other words, moms who stay at home with their children have given themselves to a calling that no educated or competent adult should desire or accept"  Now with this quote I do know for a fact that there are feminists who are stay-at-home-moms; some would desire nothing more than to be such.  This quote came from a segment on "Good Morning America."  And this is where Obama 08 is coming from: According to Hirshman's diagnosis, this problem is largely traceable to the fact that too many women are staying at home with their children. In particular, she attacked the notion that women should feel free to choose motherhood as a life calling. In attacking "choice feminism," Hirshman asserts that women who give themselves to mothering undermine the status of all women and threaten the emergence of an egalitarian civilization."

    In truth it doesn't matter what they think; just so as long as we are where we want to be with all of our heart and soul.

    I'm a SAHM.

  6. For the 57,286th time since I came on this board... I DON'T.

    I used to be a SAHM and I hated it to the very core of my being. Anyone capable of doing that, amen. I don't look down on anyone.

    I just don't want to do it. Why do you look down on me, eh?

  7. Im not sure why we are looked down upon. raising children is the most hardest job going,your responsible for another person life and you have to raise them as best to your ability.

    People who look down at us are just idiots, i dont take any notice, other people should not either.

  8. Stay at home moms are looked down upon in part because of the femanazi's telling them that they are being oppressed  if they are not career women.  They seem to think that if you aren't a "superwoman" that your life is meaningless.  For years they have been telling women the lie that "you can have it all".  The problem with that is 1 person can only do so much, and something is going to suffer.  If you are a wonderful career woman it will be your family that suffers, if you  are more family oriented the job will suffer.  For  the last 40 years we have forgotten that the most important job there is is to raise healthy, happy, and responsible children.  You didn't hear about all the problems in the schools and the gang violence when mom was at  home making sure you were doing the right thing.  Since most women are in the work force these days the kids are left with little to no supervision and they are suffering for it.  The  worst part is the kids who are growing up now are going to be the ones who are taking care of us when we are old.  That is what really scares me.

  9. The same reason career moms are looked down upon. Someone, somewhere will always have a negative opinion about how another person leads their life.

    You can never and will never make everyone happy and if you try to then you'll only drive yourself insane.

    The best you can do is surround yourself with your loved ones and just lead the life that pleases you the best.

    You have one life and you are the only one who gets to live it, so you might as well do what you want, make yourself happy and have a little fun in the process.

  10. Nope.  It's just that you're um... kind of holding back the whole "gender-equality" thing.  Women have just as much right as men to go out and make a living for the family.

    But if you choose to stay at home and take care of the kids, that's cool.  I don't really care.  I would never do it, but you go on ahead.

  11. No, I look up to stay at home moms.

  12. stay at home moms are the first class citizens. i can say that they're more than that, as it's from them where most of the high-quality citizens were made,; better women, better men, better generations, better leaders. without them, the world will die quicker.

    being stay at home moms is unlike professions that can be standardized since this isn't about the amount of money they are paid with anymore, it's human nature itself.

    women who work outside are those who make extra source of living, but that's certainly has got nothing to do with upgrading their standard. in fact, it's noticeable that most women nowadays are burdened more with things they basically don't need to get involve with, unless under certain necessities like there's nobody to support their living anymore etc.

    there's actually no need for too much worries, as their standards are already secured since a long time ago even just by being stay at home moms. coz if it's not, then all women in the past must have been some kind of trash, even though many of them were totally valued and protected with full of love and respect.

    however, i still go for the idea of defending abused women and women pursuing for high education since highly educated stay at home moms helps making a better society from home, while having a strong backup for themselves. can't be too dependent on men though, especially that their population is decreasing thus making the population ratio of women to men in bigger contrast each days.

  13. Stay at home moms are the best  of all women, they accept their role in a normal society and place the welfare of their children above their own needs. They are real women not the ones who spend more time looking for a salon then a day care facility to ship their children off too.

  14. Who ever said that? I don't believe that is true and I'm sure that many others don't either.

  15. Anything deemed "women's work" has low status.  There is no salary, no formal education is required to do the job. Its always been like this, well before feminism, so what's new?

  16. If you can afford to stay home and take care of the kids, I see nothing wrong with that.  From my own observation, kids raised by their parents instead of in the day care system, and kids who have a parent to go home to instead of being a latch-key kid, grow up to be more well-rounded individuals who have compassion and better fit into society.  I'm not criticizing families that utilize day care or who work instead of being home for their kids, out of necessity.  This is just an observation.

    But if your family can afford to keep you at home with your kids, and you choose to stay at home with the kids, I see nothing wrong with it.  In fact, I see the CHOICE of being a stay-at-home mom as being one of the ultimate expressions of feminism.

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