
Can someone please tell this person about the Furminator??

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She wants to know how it works.I have answered,but she needs more info.Could you please tell her about your experience with the Furminator?;_ylt=AjVgr6zun2JeOi3INp7Dypnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080809222632AA1VVqX&show=7#profile-info-283f865e237ea72119b132f652eb514baa




  1. Hi there... I provided a video link of another de-shedding comb that works the same as the Furminator and the success we've had using both.  

    Hope she considers trying the product(s).

    EDIT:  ABsooolluutely!!!

  2. I took my dog to the groomer, and he asked me if I wanted to have him 'Furminated', and kind of explained it.I paid an extra $10 for it.

    Well, this breeds has a MAJOR coat drop each spring, and it stays in the coat and makes instant mats if not brushed out.

    I had that done in February. That dog didn't shed! The next time I got hair in my brush was in July. No shedding, from Feb to July. Wow! I was sold.

    I got one for the rest of my dogs. ( from vet's office) It is hard to use on this breed, because their 10 inch long hair will whip back on itself and tangle. But if I go slowly, it works like a charm.

    The answer above is correct. If you brush too much in one spot, it will cut the hair. You just have to take it easy.

  3. I was shocked at how much hair is removed  with each swipe. I have wolf hybrid and he sheds like crazy and I can fill up a bag with all that comes off and my long hair cat enjoys it also.

    A word to the wise, it does cut the hair and you can get bald spots if you continue brushing in one area.

    I got my 4" Furmanator brush on eBay for half  the price and that includes shipping than you can buy at Petco for $59.99.

    Every groomer should have one.  

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