
Can someone please translate 4 Chinese words for me?

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I recently realized that one of my ceiling fan pulls is shaped like a Chinese coin, and I did a little searching around but i was unable to figure out what they mean. I did however find the exact same one on the internet here: . Thanks in advanced




  1. It's up-side-down. You'd want to turn it around for the explanation below.

    After you turn it around, you should read it in this order: 光緒 通寶 (top and bottom together, then right and left).

    光緒 (pronounced: guang1 xu4): This is the name of a Chinese emperor who reigned from 1871-1908.

    通寶 (pronounced: tong1 bao3): It means 'inaugural treasure / inaugural currency'. These 2 words on the coin meant that it is accepted for every purpose in every place of the nation.

    The 4 words put together means a coin that is used during the rule of the Emperor Guang Xu.

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