
Can someone please translate what these german kids are telling me?

by  |  earlier

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lol, they sound really angry!;_ylt=AkRoQQrB_HbYYDugzV6mhLPsy6IX?qid=20070228132050AAX3StI




  1. Well, these German participants were just confused with your question you've asked in German....Nodody was aware what you're looking for or what you wanted to know -- that's why they were very confused, but not angry - rather more amused! ;-)

    Greetings from Germany.

  2. Not angry, just wondering what you nonsensical "question" was about...


    Bitte? Ich hab' doch keine Ahnung!

    ~Pardon? I have no idea!

    Wenn Du meinst.

    ~If you think so.

    Gaaanz genau, das Ende ist nahh!!!

    ~EXactly! The end is neeeear!

    Wo ist die genaue Frage?

    ~ Where exactly is the question?

    Tolle Frage.............

    ~Great question..........

    gibt ja keine Daumen runter mehr, nä ?

    ~ There is no "thumb down" anymore, huh?

    wenn der bürgermeister dir deinen ausweis streicht hast du kein fahrvergnügen bist dann in der götterdämmerung flugelhorn hä!!

    ~ If the mayor cancels your pass you won't have any fun riding; then you are in the dawn of the Gods Flügelhorn huh?

    [This answer makes about as much sense as your original question. ;)]

    hat sich denn mal keiner ihre fragen anderen angesehen? das ist ein lustiges spielchen einer gelangweilten new yorkerin, die jetzt nach übersetzung schreit... *ggg

    ~ Hasn't anyone looked at her other questions? This is a funny game of a bored New Yorker, who's now crying for translation. *ggg*


    Those are all that are up so far... still not sure what you're playing at, but hope this helps...

  3. wieso denn? du hast dich in die Lage gebracht, jetzt find auch wieder raus!


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