
Can someone please walk me through a Brazilian Wax?

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All I can say is NERVOUS!!! My friends are getting Brazilian Waxs and I want to try it too!!! I am just nervous about the whole thing, particularly having Too Much hair Down There.

Can someone that has done this before please calm my nerves?

Thank You so much





  1. I will tell you right now, it hurts like h**l! I had it done before my wedding, so I didn't have to think about it while on my honey moon... and OUCH! The strange part is, it hurts more in the upper area than in the more sensitive areas, which is completely backwards from what i imagined. All I can say is this. Take some advil or something before hand, know it's going to hurt, but the pain goes away shortly after wards. You can do it! It hurt, but it was well worth the pain to be hair free for a month!!!!

    The only part I hated is when they go back with a tweezers to get the hairs the wax missed!  

  2. Don't do it.  It hurts a lot and it's uncomfortable getting on all four in front of a complete stranger.

  3. get some tweezers right now, and pluck a hair on your body. Choose your arm or maybe above your lip on your face.

    You'll find that when you plucking it out, it hurts like h**l.

    Imagine that pain, down there, again and again and again.

    You'll probably cry, but bring some music or something to listen to on like an ipod or something. idk if you can do that, ive never had a brazillian wax and i dont want one o_O

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