
Can someone pls explain 2 me y peta is against kfc?

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Can someone pls explain 2 me y peta is against kfc?




  1. This is how they kill their chickens:

    Workers hang them upside by they feet onto hangers. Then the conveyors carry them down to a place were their throats are slit by blades. Some chickens dodge this and are alive for the next terrible part. The are then sent to a place were they are dunked into a water vat with live electricity to stun them to death. This is very traumatizing for the alive chickens. But some even Dodge THAT. Next they are dunked into scalding hot water- no chickens survive this.

    Imagine that.

    Some workers have even been shown to throw chickens against walls and jump on them. When some asked a worker who just jumped on 3 live chickens, "why did he do it?" he replied "Because he liked the popping sign.

    Read the book "Chew This" I forgot the author but it shows you the truth behind McDonald's and KC and other fast food chains.

    Most chicken and meat factories are inhumane or rather in-animal.

  2. While all these other answers might seem like the obvious reason, the real reason PETA hassles KFC is because they are a giant in the food industry linked to an even bigger giant, Pepsi.

    If KFC were a mom and pop roadside chicken joint, PETA would be no where to be found since protesting a mom and pop place not only won't get you any attention, but might even get you negative press for hassling some poor small business just trying to make a living.

    If you hassle KFC, all kinds of good things happen:  they pay out on lawsuits rather than fighting them to avoid bad press, they cave to pressure put on by radicals to change business practices (to avoid bad press again) and all the while PETA gets news coverage of their deeds and can bolster their "US vs. THEM" agenda as if they are the saviours of the world.

  3. Go to and you can read all of the information that they provide.

  4. The factory farms that provide the chicken for KFC are especially cruel to their animals, is what they say.

  5. 4 reasons why everyone even meat eaters should avoid KFC

    - It's all deep fried over breaded fast food (heart attack in a bucket)

    - They have a very bad record when it comes to animal cruelty.

    - They don't offer a balanced meal. I'ts basically: protein, fat, and starch.

    - 99% of their workers make minimum wage and are not trained in how to handle food properly.

    BTW: KFC used to go by the name Kentucky Fried Chicken. When people started realizing how bad deep fried food was for them, the company shortened their name to KFC. Who are they trying to fool?

  6. The fine people at peta don't like the colonels 11 secret spices. They would rather enjoy popeye's.

  7. PETA is against anything and everything that doesn't elevate animals to the Most Important Specieses On The Planet. KFC involves eating chickens, therefore it is Bad to PETA. PETA also don't like people using eggs, or doing anything with a chicken other than letting it roam free.

  8. KFC is very stubborn. It refuses to adopt the animal welfare program that KFC's own  Animal Welfare Advisory Council has suggested.

    At slaughterhouses that supply KFC:

    -Chickens’ throats are slit and the animals are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water to remove their feathers, often while they are still conscious and able to feel pain.

    -Workers carelessly shove the birds into transport crates and shackles, which breaks the chickens' legs and wings.

    -Many animals are sadistically abused. At a KFC “Supplier of the Year” slaughterhouse in West Virginia, workers were documented tearing the heads off live birds, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, and violently stomping on them.

    More info here:

    (Note: The KFCs in Canada are owned by a different company. That company has agreed to buy meat from slaughterhouses that use Controlled Atmosphere Killing, the least cruel form of animal slaughter ever created.)

  9. Because they exploit a massive amount of chickens in the most absurd ways for something as miniscule as food. The are particularly against KFC because of how awfully the chickens are treated, but appear to be against the farming of all animals, as I am.

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