
Can someone pls tell hillary to close her shop?

by  |  earlier

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she has already lost it. its just waste of cash and time and energy.

she would do better writing abook or milking some cows and looking after her to_be grand children.




  1. Considering that she will have a resounding victory today in West Virginia, you have picked an odd time to ask Hillary to drop out.  Wouldn't this be a better day to ask Obama to quit?

  2. The more time and money she wastes, or causes Barak to waste, the better for our country in November.

  3. She has loaned her campaign $11 million.  Campaign rules state she can only raise the money to pay herself back until the convention.  If she drops out the donations will stop coming in.  She needs to stay in to raise the money to pay herself back.

  4. You are literally boring me to death.

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