
Can someone plz help me give me some advice on what could be wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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I am 31 and about 8 years ago I got my tubes tied well now I am upon my period and its abnormal as in almost not there and I usually go really bad and hurt so bad I cry myself to sleep but now I aint even goin enough to know that im on my period. Can someone help me plz what could it be? Its driving me crazy and I dont have no insurance to go and see a doctor.




  1. Forget about the insurance thing, you should go see a doctor and they'll see if anything is serious or not.  Is money really more important then your life / quality of life?!

    Or check out a free clinic.

  2. you could go to planned parenthood for a preg test and tell them what is going on.

  3. Well, considering that basiclly nobody on here are doctors and this seems serious, I would suggest getting insurance and getting it checked out.

  4. it could be stress, one time I only had a period for one day then my next one was normal so no telling what it could be. If ur scared that ur preg. then just go get a test it's better to know right away then not know at all. You could go to ur local free clinic and see if u can get a pap smear.

  5. When my period is super light (like what you are explaining) it is because I did not ovulate and my body is just going through the motions of ovulation and menstruation.  Since I take my temperature to pinpoint ovulation (I am trying to conceive) I know when I ovulate and when I don't.  It sounds to me like you just didn't ovulate this cycle.  It is not abnormal for ladies to have the odd cycle where they do not ovulate, so I would not be concerned!    

  6. go to your doctor immediately it can be very serious. in the mean time take pain medication(advil, ibuprofen...) or try putting a hot, damp rag where it hurts hope it helps!

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