
Can someone plz help me with my mom trouble?

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so me and my mom have always fought who doesn't fight with there mom right? well lately it has gotten way way worse well it got so bad that my dad had me go to my uncles house for a week so my mom and i could have a break and cut down on fightin.well i got back today and i have a school uniform i have to wear and we went to this store and i had some money so i was lookin at some clothes for this upcoming concert well my mom walks around the corner and holds up some school unform clothes and didn't even ask if i liked it or not and i hated it but i nicely told her that i didn't like them and she got all pissy and held a grudge for the next two hours now all she does is nag at me for everything!!!!????? can comeone help. and yes i say it and mean it I HATE MY MOTHER!




  1. it takes two to tango...sounds like your mom is trying...and sounds like you may be a little spoiled...try a little appreciation and respect.

  2. The best you can do is just try to stay out of her way. When my mom gets like that I have no power against it, and I'm grown. Avoid her. Nothing will help till you move out. Ya'll need Dr. Phil

  3. You may not like the things your mom does or says sometimes but HATE is an awfully strong word to use when speaking of the person who puts a roof over your head, buys you things, feeds get the idea.  

    I have a step-daughter who spent the week at my house.  Her mother went shopping for clothes....without her.  At least you got to tell your mom how you step-daughter doesn't have that chance.  

    Maybe your mom wasn't actually upset that you didn't like the clothes.  Maybe she was sad because she used to be able to do things that made you happy.  Maybe she feels like she doesn't "get" you any more and that makes her sad and frustrated.  

    As for her nagging at you for everything....that nagging is actually a good thing.  When she's nagging, it means that she is paying attention to you and she's telling you things that she thinks are good for you to hear because she loves you and wants the best for you even if the way she is going about it is mean or makes you angry.  It's when you've done something wrong and she doesn't say anything that you should start to worry because it means that she has given up on you and doesn't care about you.

  4. I would walk right up to her and firmly ask her why she continues to treat you like this? Ask her what her problem is with you. You have to stand your ground with this women. Cause if you don't she will walk all over you. Sounds like she does it to your fater too. (sending you to the uncles house) Your father should have stood up to her and put her in her place. Told he to grow up and start acting like a parent!

    Tell your mother that you know that the 2 of you have had some differences in the past. But you feel like thengs are getting out of control. Tell her that you love her and thay you are sorry that she feels the way that she does about you. (by telling her that "You are sorry that she feels that way" You are putting the entire thang on her) It should make her feel bad. Tell her that you can't live like this anymore. And that the 2 of you have to come to something that works for the both of you!

  5. your mom has an attitude of getting her way these are two ways of handling it

    1. you tell her nicely and softly

    "mom I don't have to always agree with the things you want

    not everyone agrees with anything anyone want, I love you and all

    but I just hate it when you want your way"


    2. Go with the flow watever she picks for you say mom I love it but I really don't want it, im sorry you get pissed and all.

  6. Moms can be like this and I'm not in the best agreement with mine at the moment but it will blow over quickly. You told her nicely that you didn't like them, I don't know what else you can do.  And tell her that her nagging is getting on your nerves and a simple 'will you please do this' will be okay with you. And nagging can get very old, fast.  Try sitting down and talking to her in a rational and mature manner.  

    This is what mine does, she nags me and I fire back once in a while because it irritates me and I need to speak my mind.  She says I have a little attitude sometimes but that's because it built up.

  7. i dont blame you i hate my mother too.

    i feel like running away sometimes

    i will be rite in the freakin middle of summin and then my moms says "God Tandy would -ya just FOR ONCE dry the dishes"

    and i'm like "Hold ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what do u meen for once i do them every single DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    and then she gets in this bitchy attitude and it annoys the h**l outta me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and then when i give her the silent treat ment and she asked me a question and i dont answer she says in a very rude voice.

    "oh hear we go again"

    if ya ever need someone to talk to email me ...

    by the way i am 14

  8. First of all, it all depends how old u r.  Have u ever pulled ur dad aside and asked his advice?  U have a right to have an opinion about what u put on, and if what u liked complied with ur school, then u might talk 2 ur school counselor.  Ur mom might be extremely angry, but ur counselor will monitor ur situation.  It might sound drastic, but sometimes drastic measures have 2 b used.

  9. omg thats exactly like my mom. she finds ways to make everything seem like i have an attitude or a tone.  i mean just like you said nicely that you didnt like the uniform, moms think that just because your saying what you think and being honest about your opinions, they take it the wrong way.  i mean just the other day, my mom asked me something, and i said "why" with no tone, no attitude.  that one word and she turns it into this huge thing.  i'm not really sure what to do in your situation cus i have the similar problem too.  maybe try talking to her, and whatever you do dont say too much, because it might turn into another fight (thats what happened when i tried to talk to my mom) but who knows it might work for you guys.

  10. yeah i hate my mother too... shes an achoholic and she calls me fat and a ***** 24/7 you just have to think about the good things in life and always have a smile!

  11. Try being nice to your Mum tomorrow, be positive. Sit her down tomorrow and try to work things out and try to sound mature ^_^. Even make her breakfast!! Maybe spending the day with her can make it better!

    Do everything she says and be positive! Trust works!

  12. I really cannot understand a young person arguing with their parent.  My generation was taught to respect our parents and never raise our voices to them.  I am sure that you do not want to hear this, but I truly feel that you are way off base in the treatment of your Mother.  She might do things that irritate you, but you should hold your  temper in check and let her know in a nice way that you would prefer something else.

  13. my mothers the same way. its ok ur growning up and every teen fights with ther mom. when i turned 14 there was nothing but fights but i just learned wat she likes and try to do those things. and wen she's yelling i just say ok mom and pretend to listen lol. i kno u dont really hate her i felt the same way for a while but things will get better. my mom still gets mad wen i say i dont like wat she picks out. if she makes u wear it then if i wer u i would change before leaving school wen she's not looking. or wher it under your clothes ; ) it works. good luck =]

  14. my fiance has the same issue with her mom, her mom b*****s about any and everything. theres not much you can do unfortunately. as long as your in the house you gotta go by her rules or find some where else to leave. personally i would try to distance myself from her as far as possible and bite my tongue when she does stupid stuff. that really all you can do

  15. your mom is just being a mom  she  was just protecting you  someday you will need her and she won't be there to help you                                                                                                                            p.s be thankful you got  

  16. I have been in your situation...and still am at times. From my experience it seems like you fight with your mom so much and badly that anything can spark a fight. You have basically lost all respect and feelings towards her because of the way she brings you down. I tried sitting down with my mom and dad and talking things out rationally. I am assuming you are in high school. Tell her that you believe that you have earned the right to make more decisions on your own. You can try just sitting down you and her, but I always liked my dad there as a mediator. A lot of times, just try and walk away from her fighting and bickering. If she is anything like my mom, she tries to start things over little things. Keep your cool and leave the area if she is being hostile. Good luck!

  17. When you're 18 you get to leave. You can stand it until then - you live in her house and your parents support you.

    Grow up and face the fact that when you live with your parents in their home, you play by their rules. Time to learn the fine art of suck up.

  18. With an attitude like that, it sounds like you don't really want help, and feel she is the only one in the wrong.  That's not the way for things to improve. My kids & I get along pretty well, but I respect them & they respect me. If you realllllly want things to improve, make the first move. Go put your arms around her & tell her your sorry that you fought, and that you LOVE her. Try to mean it. Your goal is that you want things to be better. Also, I don't know how you talk to her, but if you yell/scream/are disrespectful ...well, don't expect your mom to be real happy with you. I don't get what you were upset with about the school uniform-be happy she loves you & is seeing to your needs. I suppose YOU could pay for your school clothes. Being a parent is HARD. For all I know your folks are awful & I'm terribly wrong. I just know it would break my heart if my kids(15,16) felt that way about me. If there is no hope for love, the least you can do is be polite & respectful. Alittle goes a long way & you might be surprised at what you get in return. Good luck.

  19. I know what you mean every1 fights with their mum and every1 gets annoyed by their mums nagging and stuff...

    but just hold tight because soon you can get a job and save up o move and then go university then you will less of ur mum

    or..until then from time to time you can stay at a relative or friends house to stay away from her

  20. Dear....when it comes to mum and dad issue HMMMMMMM!!!! no one could help you except God  

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