
Can someone plz tell me an example of how should i answer this questions??

by  |  earlier

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i dont want answers for this questions!!! i just want an idea of what or how to answer this questions and what do they mean by that?!?!?!

1.Describe a challenge you have encountered in these community involvement activities, and the personal growth achieved from facing that challenge.

2.Describe some of the insights you have gained about the local community through these community involvement activities.

3.Focusing on the most significant community activity, tell us what inspired this participation, and what has been accomplished through this involvement.





  1. They are trying to find out more about your personality with these questions. 1. Have you faced challenges before, did you overcome them and grow from the experience. 2. What are you learning from your experience. 3. What was & is your motive for participating in these kind of activities.

  2. We're used to the idea that the difficulties of life make us stronger. There's just one problem with this~ If I tell you that you've gone through some serious difficulty so you can become stronger, you're going to want to know stronger how?

    So to make yourself stronger in a very specific way, what were your losses or ordeal to take the next step in life.

    For example,  how to be patient, in a situation about becoming a parent, or maybe something happened that made you regret terribly that you haven't listened to yourself. Maybe experiencing a heart disease or a cancer scare. But that forced someone to eat better, and generally taking care of your bodies, and that just what they needed going into middle age!

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