
Can someone plz tell me how and where can i apply for opening an NGO in INDIA??

by Guest57763  |  earlier

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Can someone plz tell me how and where can i apply for opening an NGO in INDIA??





  2. First of all you have to get your society formed and get it registered from SDM under Societies Registration Act 1860.

    The registration of a society is to be done under the Act wherever obtaining the registration and not in the State where the benefit is claimed. Once the person proposing to form a society has decided upon the name of the society and has prepared drafts of Memorandum and Rules and Regulations of the society, procedure adopted in following paragraphs may be adopted for getting the society registered.

    Signing of Memorandum of Association

    All the subscribers (minimum seven) should sign each page of the memorandum and the signatures should be witnessed by either an Oath Commissioner, Notary Public (Rs. 3/- Notarial stamp duty affixed), Gazetted Officer, Advocate, Chartered Accountant or 1st Class Magistrate with their rubber / official stamp and complete address.

    Persons desirous of forming a society should also become members of the first governing body. An outsider cannot become member of the governing body in the first instance

    Signature on Rules and Regulations

    The Rules should be signed by atleast three members of the governing body. Following certificate should be given at the end of the rules and regulations: ""Certified that this is the correct copy of rules and regulations of the Society"".

    File the required documents with the Registrar of Societies

    Following papers should be filed with the Registrar of Societies for registration of a society under the principal Act or corresponding Acts enacted by various State Governments:

    Covering letter requesting for registration stating in the body of letter various documents annexed to it. It should be signed by all the subscribers to the memorandum or by a person authorised by all of them to sign on their behalf

    Memorandum of Association in duplicate along with a certified copy (as per Sec. 3 of the Principal Act). It should be neatly typed and pages serially numbered

    Rules and Regulations / Bye-laws in duplicate duly signed

    Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value sworn by the President or Secretary of the Society stating relationship between the subscribers. The affidavit should be attested by an Oath Commissioner, Notary Public (Rs 3 Notarial Stamp affixed) or Ist Class Magistrate.

    Documentary proof such as House Tax receipt, rent receipt in respect of premises shown as Registered Office of the society or no objection certificate from the owner of the premises

    Registration Fee

    Normally fee of Rs 50/- is payable as registration fee of a society.

    Presumption of Registration

    Presumption that the society was duly registered under the Act arises not on the Certificate of Registration granted by the Registrar but on the copies of the Rules and Regulations and Memorandum certified under Sec. 19 which constitutes them prima facie evidence of the matters therein contained.

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