
Can someone point me at a money converter, old to new money that is.?

by  |  earlier

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English pound sterling to decimal.




  1. What the old  sterling  currency  to decimal  currency  , Is that what you mean.?    Any person onver about 60  should  be able  to convert for you.   Pounds are the same .  Is only the pence  that  vary.   Or is it something else entirely  like  Euros or something...

  2. Purchasing Power of British Pounds from 1264 to 2007


  3. tap in to this -Take a break | Currency converter  - this is what you need

  4. UK answer.

    Have a look at these  web sites I think they are excellent.

    hope this helps.

  5. 4 fathings = 1 penny

    2 fathings = 1 ha'penny

    12 pence = 1 shilling (a "bob")

    24 pence = 2 shillings (2 bob or a "florin")

    30 pence = two and six (half-a-crown)

    60 pence = five shillings (5 bob or a "Crown")

    120 pence = ten shillings (ten bob)

    240 pence = 1 pound

    5 pounds = "a fiver"

    10 pounds = "a tenner"

    £1000 = "a grand"

    1 new penny = 2.5 old pence

    One "new" pound = a h*ll of a lot less than it used to!

    Coins available were farthings, ha'pennies, pennies, thrupenny bits (3 pennies), sixpences, shillings, florins, half-crowns, Crowns to mark special occasions only

    Notes available were: 10/- (10 shillings), 1 pound notes (a "oncer")  5 pound notes (fabulous big white ones called a "fiver).  I never had a tenner (my housekeeping money for 3 of us in 1960 was three pounds a week)

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