
Can someone provide me with a picture of the Video On Demand market? which cable companies offer this service?

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Can someone provide me with a picture of the Video On Demand market? which cable companies offer this service?




  1. Video on demand is offered by almost all cable companies. Some companies call it movies on demand, dish on demand, or even video on demand. Satellite companies offer the same, each uses its own name for it. some DVR's even download movies onto their hard drives and have them ready to view, so their is no time wasted downloading the movie, this is all done with your remote or you can call and order the movie but that will cost you a dollar more. Cable companies just send you the movie that you buy with your remote also. TiVo has amazon unbox. This is where you can search for a movie and if amazon has it you can either rent it as a downloaded movie or you can buy the download or the DVD. TiVo also has its own movies that you can rent from them.

    Video on demand is a huge market. You can get what you want but try not to get locked into where you have to get it from only one source without going to the rental store. Personally I have TiVo and I have had satellite and I do have cable, I only rent from TiVo or I hope this helped. Good Luck shopping!

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