
Can someone queasy survive AP Bio?

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I really love bio, I think it's sooo interesting. However, I get rather queasy, specifically when dealing with the female reproductive system and viral illnesses (menigitis, AIDS, etc).

I don't want to be constantly passing out or getting anxious. But I also really want to learn about the stuff that makes bio interesting to me, how the human body works, plants, animals, genetics, etc.

Anyone who has taken the class got any advice or information to help me?




  1. Absolutely.  I admit, I was a little nervous about it at first back when I took it my senior year of high school.  But it was not bad at all.  The teacher will describe things very scientifically, not in a gross-out way.

    The dissections aren't bad at all, either.  Just relax.  You're only going to make it worse for yourself by worrying about it so much.

    All in all, I loved AP bio and went on to major in biology in college!

  2. Absolutely!  A.P. Bio is such a comprehensive course that you have to cover all of the topics very quickly.  It really depends on your teacher, but somethings will be covered more than others.  

    When we covered the female reproductive system (and things of that nature) it took a very short amount of time.  In most cases teachers don't want to talk about it anymore than you want to listen just because there is always that one person in the class that is too immature to handle it- so don't sweat it!

    In our A.P. Bio class we spent a lot more time on genetics and other subjects that really make biology interesting.

    By the way, if you get queasy around disections, that should not be too much of a problem for you either.  Although my class did have a fetal pig disection and a deer heart disection, we were told most schools don't get around to either one.

    Also one of my friends was not very keen about doing the disection, so she took our groups notes.  Again, it depends on your teacher.  

    As long as you go in with an open mind, you should be okay, and if you decide to take A.P. Bio have fun!

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