
Can someone recommend a good digital camera?

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Hi there. I am looking to get a new camera. The one I have is almost ten years old and the quality is still okay but most of my pictures come out bad. I like the Olympus brand but I have heard good things about Sony and Samsung. I am not looking to spend more than $100 to $150. I mainly use cameras for taking pictures of nature or wildlife and my pets.

Thanks for your time and thoughts!




  1. Canon PowerShot A590IS.

    At the current price it's unbeatable.

  2. OMG I love my camera. I dropped it about a THOUSAND times (stuff happens lol. Im 16 and I take it everywhere). It still works great, its easy to use, its silver and nice looking, big digital screen, and it was about $100. Its a Polaroid A520, and I bought it at Target. Here is a picture of the camera:

  3. my suggestion

    go to yahoo shopping

    digital cameras

    digital camera GUIDE

    be sure to check titles on the left side

    the guide should answer your questions  

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