
Can someone recommend a good food grade Hydrogen Peroxide supplier. I want to use it for baths.?

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I want to use this solution in baths to help me with my chronic fatigue. There are some companies that fill their bottles way before they ship them out, Hydrogen perox. losses it's effectiveness if it sits out for too long. I would like the purest 35% food grade possible. I live in NY if that helps. Thanks!!




  1. thanks for that information.  however me, Mr. Cheapstake, just uses the regular variety available at a fast turn around store. i.e. local grocery or Wal-Mart.  The regular health stores tend to be higher and I could have sworn they have dust on them.

    I too use mine in the bath.  Since it's just for that purpose, I cool with that.

    But food grade - You also use it in your dental care/treatments?

  2. food grade is highly caustic. before you use/purchase it study about it carefully...dircet contact will "burn" you badly!!

  3. Guardian Of Eden is known for uncompromised purity and freshness. They assure they never sell any 35% food grade h2o2 that is more than 30 days old and a good source to buy from. Grocery and WalMart hydrogen peroxide is only 2 or 3% and has heavy metals and other stabilizers that are extremely dangerous and toxic. Check out their warnings about h2o2 at

  4. Wow. I cannot believe that they just sell this stuff to the public. When I use it in the lab I am required to wear a lab coat, splash goggles, and latex gloves. Read the MSDS for 30% hydrogen peroxide linked below if you don't believe me. If you do get some please handle it with extreme caution.

    I must admit that with all the hype about anti-oxidants, I find it curious that hydrogen peroxide (a REALLY good oxidant) is also touted as a miracle cure.

  5. Amazon has plenty of choices for H2O2 food grade. This is the cheapest one I found but look around and you'll find others. I just think once you have one that is food grade for your bath you don't need to spend a fortune on it.

    This one is DMSO Pure 99% Liquid - 16 oz so it's even more pure than what you were looking for! and they ship to NY Best of luck!

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