
Can someone recommend a good labrador retriever training book?

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I have a 7 week old pup and want to make it my hunting companion. I was wondering what book(s) you recommend. Thanks!




  1. labidor retrivers for dummies

  2. I just got a lab puppy to!!! Ok well I suggest Labrador Retrievers for Dummies, or Training Labrador Retrievers

  3. j h, I like the personality of a labrador retriever. They are so sweet.

  4. OH MY GOSH I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One of my fav books for FUN training -  is now available on my online store.

    I also have a blog this one is for 5 months old but you will be prepared and the lnk to my fav book is there too!

    Good luck and if you love the book let me know.. email or review!

    Ther is also clicker trainingetc.  but follow advice in my blog - sign upfor classes and get that book.  

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