
Can someone recommend me a good Computer Math Program?..My niece has trouble in school so I want to help her..

by Guest60728  |  earlier

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My sisters daughter is in the 4th grade. She has always done pretty bad in school. Her teachers are always concerned about her specially with her math and concentration. She seems to always be daydreaming and is very quiet even when around close family members.

I always tell my sister to take her to tutoring or counseling but she works all day long since she's a single mother.

So maybe if I get her some computer programs it will help her a bit more. I always am helping them with homework and stuff but I have my own kids to worry about too. So the best gift and help I can give is this. My son is also in the 4th grade and he helps my niece with school work too. He's really smart and has been student of the year since he was in preschool. I have always prepared my kids for school I start from the minute they are born. My sister never spent time with her two kids in preparing them for school.

Can that be a reason too?

What programs can you recommend?

Can I find them at Staples?




  1. Try looking at these interactive websites on the net.  Cheaper than purchasing them.

    This site has many websites to checkout.

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