
Can someone recommend safety tips for a female high school student travelling to Mexico with a student exchang

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I am hoepfully going on a trip to Mexico next year, I will be 16, I think I will be going to saltillo, any tips would be greatly appreciated, like how are the school systems their and so on.





  1. Yeah, dress fairly conservatively, no cleavage, bare midriff, etc.,what might be fairly normal in the US might be considered "whorish" in Mexico and guys will treat you accordingly.  If you do get unwanted attention, do what the native women seem to do, which is act like they don't exist.

  2. Don't dress "s**y"--that's asking for trouble.

    Travel with others (classmates, host family) if you're going shopping or the movies.

    Have your parents set up a bank account with an ATM card in your town.  Then they can put money into the account and you can withdraw it, with your ATM card, in Saltillo.  Just withdraw it as you need it--don't carry too much cash on your person at any time.  And don't flash the money around.

  3. look I'm form that city but I'm living in unites states for long time and i have seem to  many changes in that city but the best thing you can do is don't go out to a place you don't know and only with people are in charge of you safety if some invite you make sure they know where you going and who is that person I'm thinking to do the same thing with my son because he needs to learn speak in Spanish .

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