
Can someone recommend the easiest, cheapest divorce service for an uncontested divorce with minor children?

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We've been seperated for a year and a half. One child in common...and just need to get the legal part over with the easiest/fastest/cheapest way possible.




  1. Each state is different but I know in West Virginia there's such a thing as an express divorce.  Try looking in the phone books at lawyers and maybe even consult with some.  You can usually do that for free.  However, the fact that there is a child involved could make it more difficult, too difficult for anything but a normal divorce.

  2. you can get the papers at your county courthouse or on line. If you cant afford the filing fee, you can request to have that waived too.

  3. You can do the paperwork online or go the bookstore and buy How to do your own divorce (California).  Then when you get the paperwork done go to the courthouse and pay the filing fee and file.  Check with your local coutrs for procedures after that.  Good Luck to you!

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