
Can someone refute these facts?

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Java Man- Dates way back to 1980. This species is known to inhabit the Northern regions of Australia (Aborigines)

Peking Man- Said to be 2 million years old. The scientific studies of these bones found to be the bones of an animal. All evidence has since disappeared.

Piltdown Man- The jawbone turned out to belong to a modern ape.

Neanderthal Man- Found by Dr. A.J.E. Cave to belong to an old man who sufferes from arthritis.

Cro-magnon Man- Equal in physique and brain capacity to Modern Man, so what's the difference?

Modern Man- This genius thinks we come from a monkey.

(((Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools))) Romans 1: 22




  1. Onme don't have "facts".

    Don't do serious research at a fundie church "school"!

    You'll learn more at a real school!

    Oh, Cro Magnon IS  modern man!  lol

  2. I do not understand the question. Is the machines and over educated fools right or wrong. We will never know.

  3. i don't understand your question.  Are you trying to find a way to refute evolution or are you trying to find out the difference between the different eras of man through time?

    The first problem you will run into is that Archaeology is still a relatively young science and is still a bit flawed.  Now im sure someone will say "but its a science, and as a science its required to follow the scientific model where we should be able to test something and then retest it and get the same result".  Where here is my argument to that.  While I agree that the scientific model requires us to be able to test anything and have the same results each and every single time I argue that science should also allow us to be a little more exact with our results as well.  Case in point......Java man is suspected to be between 700,000 and 800,000 years old.  In any other science we would reject that claim in a heart beat.  There is to large of a deviation and the results can't be trusted.  My other issue is with the methods in which scientist measure the date of remains.   "Carbon-14 dating is the standard method used by scientists to determine the age of certain fossilized remains.  As scientists will often claim something to be millions or billions of years old (ages that do not conform to the Biblical account of the age of the earth), Christians are often left wondering about the accuracy of the carbon-14 method.  The truth is, carbon-14 dating (or radiocarbon dating, as it’s also called) is not a precise dating method in many cases, due to faulty assumptions and other limitations on this method".  For us to rely on carbon dating we must assume that carbon decays at a constant rate over the years and research has shown that to be a false we must reject the hypothesis that carbon 14 dating is a reliable means of measurement.   I have included the links to the sites so you can read the other points that the author discusses about issues with carbon dating.

    As for some of the contributors on this question.  Jay, I don't believe no where in the question did the writer even attempt to tell God how to do his job or how He did things.

    Jim Z, before you go chest thumping about how folks need to get their facts straight maybe you need to do some research yourself.  Piltdown man was founded in England or well created in England.  The reason for their creation/discovery was b/c of the elitist attitudes of the English culture.  They were shocked and humiliated that man kind may not have began in that area.  They were puzzled by the fact that England may not have been the oldest civilization in Europe. Also that no remains had been discovered in England. So they created a finding that would predate other findings in Europe.  If you look below I have attached the link to that story as well.  Now what you will also find is I’m really big about not posting links that are .com, all of my sites are .net, .org or .edu b/c those typically are trusted and researched sites, not some jack *** who wants to open up a site and put out his/her random beliefs without any hard facts to support their argument.  Also the jaw bone was of an orangutan not an ape, big difference.

    Jim Z i find the attack on a person’s faith and beliefs to be somewhat disgusting and small minded.  I can even say that about some Christians so don't get your panties in a wad.  Evolution, much like Christianity, is just a matter of faith.  Now that we think about it everything is a matter of faith.  While I can't prove we didn't evolve from something else no one to date has been able to prove to me that we have.  

    Now back to the question at hand, or what I think the question is.  There really is no difference.  While I don't believe in a physical evolution I do believe in an intellectual evolution, which can be proven, over time.  I believe the only real difference is "modern man" stepped into technology, more advanced anyway, while Cro-Magnon man remained with its lesser or more archaic technology.  Eventually one survived and the other died out.

  4. I am sure you are preaching and therefore you think you know what you are talking about.  You do not.  If you are interested in the truth than here it is.

    "Java Man- Dates way back to 1980. This species is known to inhabit the Northern regions of Australia (Aborigines)"

    This is simple racist idiocy.  Aboriginies are not Homo erectus which is what Java Man was.  There are certain feature on the skulls of H. erectus that distinguish them from modern humans.  Aboriginies are modern humans.

    "Peking Man- Said to be 2 million years old. The scientific studies of these bones found to be the bones of an animal. All evidence has since disappeared."  Peking man is up to 2 million years old and is also H. erectus.  The original skull was lost in World War 2 but casts were made and other fossils found.  This is elementary school biology.  You really need to inform yourself better and stop depending on people that don't know what they are talking about.

    Piltdown Man- The jawbone turned out to belong to a modern ape.

    Piltdown was a hoax using a modern human and an ape jaw.  It was created to show that man's brain must have evolved first.  Somehow I think the hoaxers may have been similar to you in their beliefs.  In any event they were wrong.  

    Neanderthal Man- Found by Dr. A.J.E. Cave to belong to an old man who sufferes from arthritis.

    It was an old arthritic Neanderthal showing that even 200,000 years ago, Neanderthals must have shown kindness to their elders.  There are hundreds of healthy Neanderthals found.  So what if one had arthritis.

    Cro-magnon Man- Equal in physique and brain capacity to Modern Man, so what's the difference?  None of significance.

    Modern Man- This genius thinks we come from a monkey.

    In fact we are a type of bipedal ape that decended from other apes that decended from a type of monkey that modern monkeys descended from.  Before that it was likely we descended from a tarsier like animal.  If you go back far enough there will be a fish in your ancestry.  You may not like it but those are facts.  You can continue believing fairy tales but don't pretend you have credibility.  You don't.

  5. Yes

  6. While I have answered this question, & many like it, for what seems like 100s of times, this time I will only suggest you do some reading, or remain in the shallow part of the gene pool the rest of your life. You are obviously being used by creationists that seek to keep humanity ignorant & contributing to their welfare for the remainder of their controlled lives.  

    Education is available & I suggest you use the considerable on line resources or even attend a local community college or university. Jim gave you a good answer, but I doubt you appreciate it.

  7. tnphi1152000 I find your offense to be small minded and disgusting.  This is supposed to be a science section.  Nearly everything in the question was wrong.  Java man wasn't even found in the same century he listed.  His statement about Peking man is ridiculous propaganda or just ignorant.  Neanderthal example was irrelevant to his "argument".  As JimZ pointed out Cro-magnon was a moder man, also irrelevant.  

    It is a fact that we are descended from other animals.  If you don't like that, take it to the RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY section.

  8. quit telling God how He did things.

    I am a Christian, but the book of Genesis was written for a group a people about 40 year s out of slavery, and about to conquer a new land after years  of being nomads.

    It is not a scientific text, it is a book of faith.  conceptually, its right, but it doesn't go into the details.  God left that for us to figure out

  9. oh ya, I'm 3 million years old, but I was in hibernation so I can't help, every sleep with a bear, no, well trust me, it's not pleaseant:)

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