
Can someone send me internet as a gift on the wii?

by  |  earlier

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my wii code is 4307-9199-9137-7711




  1. Sure, anything for you buddy. Its on the way.

  2. The internets are free, I got 10 the other day.

  3. Yes! of course I can!

    but why the h**l would I?

  4. You can't send the internet channel as a gift. You have to download it yourself.

    Back when I got my Wii, internet channel was free, I'm not sure if it still is but it should be.

  5. do i really want to give away $5 to a complete stranger?

    ....and my Wi-Fi isn't working right now so I can't either way.

  6. ok... 4 reasons y ur a moron.

    Moron reason #1- you posted ur wii code on a public web site.

    Moron reason #2- y would someone actually send a moron a something that they paid for.

    Moron reason #3- u actually asked a dumbass question like this.

    Moron reasin #4- u have to downlaod it ur self.

    Oh and thank you for the free gift. (2 pts)

  7. h**l no

  8. i wouldnt put your wii code on the internet who knows what somebody could do

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