
Can someone send me to court for so-called 'harassment' over the internet? Please READ first!

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Okay so this person randomly mailed my girlfriend on a website and began to hit on her. So naturally, I got annoyed, but we didn't do anything because it was some random person who would probably leave us alone. But then they sent her more and more emails, and eventually asked my girlfriend to call them. I saw the emails and my girlfriend was not provoking anything in any way.

So my girlfriend and I entered the number into google and we got a name. We entered the name into google and it was a man, perhaps in his 50s. He claimed that he was an 18 year old girl.

So we ignored him and went on with our lives. Then he mailed my girlfriend again with something like "Hey there hot girly". So I mailed him and called him a pedofile, because honestly, that's what it appeared like.

He got so offended and began to send me dozens of emails. I replied ONCE, and all I said was "Wow, you are so fake. Bye."

Then they said all of this c**p like that man is a neighbor who hits on them. Then they changed their mind and said that the man is their father. And then they began to say things like I let my father rape me, I'm a 50 year old pedofile, blah blah blah. Random stuff to tick me off when really, I found it hilarious. And eventually they promised that in less than 72 hours, I'll be in court for harassment without evidence.

I'm 16, and I have no idea if this is even true. Like, if it can happen. But it's bothering me. They live in Washington and I live in Canada if that helps.




  1. Honestly,  

    I would call the non-emergency police number and explain what has been going on. Ask them what can be done to stop this person from harassing you and your girlfriend. You are only 16 years old and you are in over your head. The police should be able to let you know if anything can legally be done and they may want this lead if the guy is really a 50 year old man.

    Then if anything happens in the future -- hit delete and consider making your internet life private (invitation only). There is no good reason to have a public profile and it can be very unsafe.

  2. I could be wrong but if you and your girlfriend are 16 and he is 50, the fact that an adult man is harrassing a 16 year old girl sexually over the internet across international borders, its him that will be getting in trouble.  Print all the emails and take them to your parents and/or the police.  This guy is sick and can be dangerous.

  3. I've heard that if you completely ignore them, they give up.

  4. One, do not call this person. Recording devices are extemely cheap, around 50 dollars, at the radio shack. I own one myself due to an ex husband.

    Two, you can't be charged wiht harassement if you have not harassed them. Mark this persons email as spam.

    America has laws about internet harrassement. That is true. But he'd have to prove you harassed him. With proof that he has harassed you and your girlfriend, that wouldn't be beneficial to him to file charges.

    call the local washington police and find out if there's any way they can go there and ask him to stop. It would be the quickest solution if they would comply. Explain to the washington police that one of the numerous and harrassing emails stated that they were a young girl who was allowing hteir father to rape her. Um, that's an oxymoron to say the least, but i'll leave that alone for now. that should peak the police interest enough for them to go have a look. If you still hve the emails, you can explain you have the email still that says this. You can normally block email addy's and messenger names. Do so  right now.

    stop reading it. They are getting a kick knowing you are reading. For a while, only allow email and messages for those on your email or buddy list. At least a few months. This will give the time to find another victim.  

  5. If you keep all the e-mails, there is not much he can do. Don't call. It seems they/he is more scared and is threatening you back, to record your phonecall. He is just bullying back. But don;'t let that make you do stupid things and say or write stupid things. I don't see why you can't block him. If via other ways you still keep receiving e-mails, you write them in letter you don;t want contact anymore. Then you have recorded all in case you need it to protect yourself or if you want to take action against him.

  6. sounds like he is BS you can't you block him somehow

  7. They can record a phone call, no problem. No, you cannot be sued for harassment, especially when they are doing the harassing.  I would just ignore it completely and eventually they will quit. If not, call the police and ask to speak with their internet crimes division.

  8. you shouldn't mess with psychos anyway. he might be able to file a case on you but just keep all his e-mails and copy them for evidence against him.

  9. It sounds like you are dealing with loose living types, so the best thing is to not have any more to do with them and change your e-mail and they should only be a bad memory  

  10. 1st, a phone call can be recorded with a microphone designed for the task. Ask around at radio shack, no big deal. may or may not be legal, but technically trivial to do.

    2nd, stop feeding the trolls. Just don't respond and they will move on.

  11. Recording the phone call would be easy. If nothing else you can use speaker phone with a tape recorder running. Anyway if you only responded those two times and she didn't call or anything then they can't call it harassment. On the other hand you could have had them charged with harassment for sending so many emails without her requesting them. Although the REALLY EASY way to handle this is that ignore button. You simply block their email address rather then wasting the time.  

  12. Listen, no, you aren't going to court. They or he or whoever is messing with you. You have learned a valuable lesson here: When people begin to mess with you - you block their emails. You don't read them, respond to them - nothing. If they send you a threatening email you should print it out and give it to the police. Jesus, they are whackos - don't call any d**n number either. Tell your parents - they will have a better chance fighting people who harass teenagers than you will.

  13. um ok this is it wel they cant do aything cause u 2 r  in diffrent countrys tge only way he can do something is if he lies to court.....but if he does end u to court u can beat him in court cause he is sexually abusing ur he said that to scare u so...dont dlet those emails he sent ur i got into the same situation hheheheh im 17 he is abusing ur girfriend virbuloy nd sexually

  14. Your parents should be made aware of this if they aren't already aware.  You and your friend should print all the e-mail associated with this incident including the id of the sender.  I suggest that you send this to the Attorney General or equivalent of your province but keep your parents in the loop.  It is not likely that an internet bully is going to go to court.  That would effectively be an admission of what they are doing.

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