
Can someone set me straight....???

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... i'm just finding the HYPOCRISY of the girls on here hilarious...

they are all standing up for Sara .. girl power an all that malarkey... because they think Darnell is/was sexist..

...but I don't remember all the furore when DALES VT was shown... he was accepted an loved straight away... FUNNY THAT!!

I also remember REX and DAle setting about Maysoon in the luxury bedroom that week before she left.... wasn't that bullying?

..are you guys just bored.. or did the word sl*t ..and the behaviour it was directed against just touch a RAW nerve..? ☺


don't try to shoot down the questioner .. just answer the ACTUAL question.. ☺




  1. It's simple really DOc.

    The Tweenies thought Dale was fit, and they think, and I quote from previous Q&A on here that Darnell is a........

    "Knuckle dragging gorilla"

    It's fecking hilarious that they think it's OK to call Darnell names like that but they are appalled that Darnell called Sara some names!

  2. The infamous  DR_Bad.  You are obviously a Darnell fan and you think he has done nothing wrong.  The rest of the country doesn't think so, which is why it recieved over 1,500 complaints over this.  Why do you think BB pull him up over it and there are so many threads about this, and why has his odds  plummeted?

  3. do you know what dr bad. i actually 100% agree with you. what's worse is, big brother only tells the housemates who are perceived as being bullies when the 'victim' actually starts crying or seems to be effected in some sort of way. i mean, look how long they left it. for example, Rex had been picking on Rachel for ages, especially about the vt. it's only because she is forever being brave and smiling it off that they never told rex off about it and he has always been so nasty toward her. all along when nicole was in there, rex and nicole were either on mikey's or mo's case. mo even started to question his friendship with Rex coz of how he was treating him. it got very serious quite a few times. i'm not saying sara deserved to be spoken to like that, bt as a woman myself, there is a level of integrity that you have to have, flirtatious or not. sara threw herself over Rex before nicole came in and then moved on to darnell and slyly onto dale the week he was leaving and then stu then mo. she caused it upon herself. in the real world, if a female is like that, she would be called a ho,  don't get why ppl feel so sorry for her. if she didn't like what they were saying from the beginning of the convo, she should have put them in their places. she was smiling and still quite flirty until darnell made his comment. darnell still had the decency to apologise and admit why he behaved in that manner.

    when Bex was being a b*tch, and cut mo's belt, and continuously had digs at him, she was never spoken to and she really over did it.

    sara is not innocent at all. she played with darnell's emotions even after he opened up to her a great deal and you could just see it was hurting him. he let it eat him up too much resulting in the way it did. but ppl should look deeper into it. sara led him on from ages ago. she should have just said from their convo in the luxury bathroom 'darnell, all you and i will ever be is friends'. if she was as oblivious as she made out to be about darnell liking her, and considered him her best friend, why didn't she just say to him, 'darnell, i really like stu'? i'll tell you why, she was enjoying the attention being on her. when Kat was singing cookie love and trying to set sara and stu up, she would flirt with stu, but then go off saying to lisa 'oh, i don't know why Kat is trying to set us up'. she is a big time bull sh*tter

  4. never liked Dale doc, and I can't remember the Maysoon stuff, plus yeah the word s1ut did touch a raw nerve, it's sexist and fecked up that in this day and age it's still getting used as a derogotory comment towards women!

  5. I think you may recall dR BAd that I have been calling the t**t a sexist for several weeks, so no bandwagon jumped on by this girl!!!

    Rest assured, if it was me not Sara on the end of Darnells shite, he would be horizontal on a coroners table with a stiletto sticking out of his head and I, would be in custody, smiling.

  6. Sorry folks but in a conversation with the lads Sara said she would go back to the hotel room with Stu after the end of series party & do ANYTHING he wanted her to. That hardly sounds like a lady of virtue to me !!!! If she acts like a sl@g she'll get treat like one !!!

  7. People on here have short memories....Remember I told you.

  8. omg your arguements for this are getting worse !!!

    yes dale said some things on his Vt so what. how is that the same, dale was a wet weekend in there and in no way simalar to darnell, he didn't put woman down or try to belittle them, because they didn't fancy him!!!

    i can't recall the rex/dale/maysoon incident so can't comment on that.

    would you really think its acceptable if your sister/daughter/mother came home and said some bloke in the pub had just called her a ugly b"tch & sl*t and guessed that the amount of men she had slept with could feel a manual, because they were having a laugh, and she had been flirting he got the wrong idea tried it on and she blew him out!??? would you really say well you shouldn't have flirted you deserved it?? seriously would you?

    if you always compare someones actions to how you would feel if it was a member of your family then in my opinion you can't really go wrong !

  9. Funny that you mention only GIRLS, maybe they just get too caught up in it.

    As for Dale, the only reason they let that pass was because he was hot (hmm a lot of these girls seem to be shallow)

    Rex and Dale about Maysoon was bad as well, but then again they had big fan bases oh and what else all the girls were calling them hot (hmm another shallow point)

    And probably they hate Darnell because, well obviously he isn't the best looking and you wouldn't go near him in a bar would they. So I guess what it really is is a question of how shallow they are

  10. Dale got booed going into teh BB house because of that comment, and people did dislike him a bit at the start because of that.

    It's about putting it in perspective. Dale made ONE comment about 'nailing some f***y' when he got in there - on his audition tape, where most people lie/exaggerate. He wasn't nasty to anyone or anything like that! There simply is no comparison! People warmed to Dale because he actually wasn't like that...and if you remember people either hated Dale or felt sorry for him before Jen left. He's not even that good looking...Dr Bad I usually love your posts but you seem to be obsessing over Dales looks in so many questions at the moment! People are judging Darnell - and judged Dale - on their personalities and the way they treat other people. I don't know about anyone else here but i'm not shallow enough to like someone just because of the way they look - that's what men tend to do, not women. h**l I thought Liam last year was well fit but he still annoyed me to the point I wanted him out!

  11. all blown out of proportion.....theres been no bullying since that daft lass was booted out...the daft moo

  12. i'm not over sensitive, i don't take things to heart very easily, i can shrug it off, but darnell needed a good punch after speaking to sara like that, it was a bit harsh

  13. I don't see how not wanting a vindictive, spiteful and paranoid person to not want to win 100 grand and all the trimming that goes with it can be seen as hypocritical ... he does not deserve it. Majority rules. The majority did not like Dale either .....that is why he was evicted and lovely Stuart stayed. Rex would be evicted too if the other HM's would only nominate him.

    **are you guys just bored.. or did the word sl*t ..and the behaviour it was directed against just touch a RAW nerve..? ☺**

    Perhaps you would like to elaborate on what you mean here.

    Ally: ***Sorry folks but in a conversation with the lads Sara said she would go back to the hotel room with Stu after the end of series party & do ANYTHING he wanted her to. That hardly sounds like a lady of virtue to me !!!! If she acts like a sl@g she'll get treat like one !!!***

    Wanting to be with Stuart does not make Sara a sl@g does it? If she said she wanted to sleep with Rex, Mo, Darnell and Stuart then yes, but not just Stuart? Just because she fancies the pants off him don't make her a sl@g.

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