
Can someone show me a darkria on pokemon pearl? please i need him in my pokedex?

by  |  earlier

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hey i need a darkia in my pokedex so you could trade me one so i could get it in my pokedex and then i would trade it back to make sure i trade it back i will trade you a lvel 100 hoho untill we trade back which would be right after i got it. thanks




  1. I would really like to make this trade, but it's very unpractical to do so on this site. Try going to They have a huge community for all DS games, including D/P. I see hundreds of trades on that site each day.

    (Note, I'm not spamming. I do not own the site, nor do I represent it for commercial purposes. Just needed to put that so I don't get reported)

  2. darkrai can only be obtained at an official nintendo event or sponsored nintendo event

  3. man if u would've just asked this quest last may i could've just told u how to get

    cause last may if you went to you local Toys R Us u could've gotten a Legit Darkrai not hacked or action replay

    all u had to do was bring your Nintendo Ds with Diamond or Pearl

    its an official event like the one in japan

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