
Can someone show me how to play tennis ?

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ok I really like tennis,but for some reason whenever i serve the ball or hit the ball,the ball just go somewhere up in the sky or fly to other people court,and it make me fell so embarrase,well I CAN'T CONTROL THE BALL,so if you have any good tips,please please tell me.




  1. Keep your racquet face more perpendicular to the ground.  Your racquet face is "open" causing the balls you hit to pop up.  The best way for you to start controlling the ball, is to practice against a wall.  Once you can hit the ball comfortably, and rally against the wall for at least 10 strokes, you'll feel a lot better on the courts.  

  2. easy fix:

    when you are about to serve, instead of trying to throw the ball and hit it with the racket with one motion (which involves good timing), go ahead and put the racket behind you with the racket head on your back, throw the ball up, and hit it.  once you get good at hitting the ball into the court, then try it in one motion. the reason it goes up in the air is that you are hitting the frame of the racket  and not the strings or not following through in a downward motion;  you should have a downward swing and remember to follow through so you can bring the ball downward when you serve.  if you do not follow through, the ball will sail on you.

  3. Beginners tennis lessons can really help teach you fundamentals and improve your confidence.  If you are passionate about the sport and willing to practice simple skills you will see improvement fast.

    Another way to improve is to begin by playing by yourself, practising forehands and backhands against a wall.  This might seem tedious at first but you if you are dedicated you will see improvement, trust me :)

  4. What you have to do is keep the racket straight.

    Pratice sticking your arm out straight, with your racket in your hand.

    Then bend your arm like your gonna hit it.

    Follow through with the hit, keeping your arm straight.

    Once you hit it, bring your arm over your shoulder.

    So basically, keep your racket straight and bring it around to your shoulder.

    ^ Sorry if its not that clear, its hard to explain in words.

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