
Can someone show me the light?

by Guest21406  |  earlier

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I have been playing Majora's Mask for the first time recently. So far I am on Gyorg and I just don't feel like going at him again.

I thought about the game and I realized that I really just don't like it. I thought I liked it but that was before I thought about the things that make it so bad.

Here are some of the things that get me down:

-The characters are exactly the same as the ones from OOT but just have different names.

-The songs you learn are trash compared to the songs of OOT. Except for song of healing and the new wave bossa nova.

-The masks are really cool but some are pretty much a waste that you only use once.

- The Z targetting system in MM is really bad compared to the one in OOT. I know this a small thing but it really gets me pissed off.

-But the main thing is is that the story line is just awful. THe whole story is that Tael says something like "Swamp, Mountain, Ocean, Canyon" then you just know exactly what you need to do. The other thing is is that when you complete a dungeon, you just sprint across termina field to the next one. There is no plot development in between dungeons like there would be in OOT.

I do like the townsfolk subquests but that is just about the only thing I like.

Can someone please tell me what they like about this game? I really want to like this game but I am finding it hard to.

Also, please don't tell me the end of the game, I haven;t beaten the game yet and I don't want to know the ending.





  1. I love that your actions in the game affect the game world. In most games, you have all the time you want to do everything. Yeah, the end of the world is looming in OoT, but Ganondorf just sits and waits for you. You can take your time. MM says that's a load of c**p, and you need to get things done correctly and in a timely fashion. If you s***w up, you get to start all over. The game doesn't coddle the player like a lot of other games do.

    The interaction with the townspeople is wonderful. Nearly every single NPC in the game has a story, and it's very interesting to see how your actions affect them.

    The masks may seem trivial, but they will be very important by the end of the game. Do everything you can to get them!

    I actually really like the storyline. It's not as random as you're making it sound...Tatl knew that something was important about each town in the four directions, so you go to each place and do what you can. The plot of the story is very subtle, not painfully obvious like many of the other Zelda games. There's plenty of plot development between dungeons, if you look for the little things.

    Also, I have never noticed the slightest difference between the Z-targeting systems in OoT and MM. They feel exactly the same to me. You might need to go to the options menu and change it from "switch" to "hold" or vice versa.

    Basically, the main point of the game is that all the small things are important. You'll find that out by the time you get to the ending. Try to stop looking for a big picture, and focus more on Skull Kid's effects on the people of Termina. You might start to like the plot more.

    Of course, not everyone can like every game...but you can certainly dislike something because you misunderstand it. Take a different perspective and give it another chance.

  2. what i liked mostly of the game was the masks in order to get some masks some are easy to obtain but some are hard get go to link i am providing to help you with masks and walkthrough on how to beat the game

  3. Well I think Termina is supposed to be a parallel Hyrule so that's why the characters are kind of re-used, which to be honest I liked to see them again in a slightly different way, there are more enemies on screen at once than Ocarina so maybe that's why the Z-targeting seems more difficult, the storyline I thought was great but it moves at a slower pace than Ocarina and is told more in side quests than in cut scenes.

    The reason I liked it is it wasn't Ocarina of Time, it was completely different and in my opinion is still the most original of the Zelda series, though it can be difficult and even frustrating in places, even the beginning was quite difficult effectively pitting you against a boss from the get go, and the timed element adds to the challenge and helps give the game a unique feel to it, there where times when it could be annoying repeating certain quests until you finally got it, but in the end is was definitely worth it.

  4. Sorry. Can't be of no help here. I didn't like Majora's mask either. for about the same reasons you gave. But the main reason I didn't like it was the story. Ocarina of time was my favorite.

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