
Can someone start looking more like someone else just by looking at them repetitively?

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Hi! I don't know if its a myth, but I once heard that people that look over and over of pictures or images of someone, that they will start resembling them more.

Is this true? Can that be possible?




  1. no, that is completly untrue. staring at people repetively will not make you resemble them more but because you have seen that face so many times, your brain remembers the image with incredible accuracy. so much so that whenever you look at another face ( say for instance your own face in the mirror) you brain automaticlly makes comparissons with that picture and trys to draw similarities even though they arent there

  2. I think if it were true I would have heard about it by now and I haven't.

    However, something comparable for you to think about concerning this issue. I have heard it said, and noticed it myself, that owners sometimes have a striking resemblance to their dogs!

    Best wishes. UK

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