
Can someone state some differences between Nascism and Fascism?

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Can someone state some differences between Nascism and Fascism?




  1. good morning brother

    great question

    1 Nascism

    1 Nascism was started by hitler in germany.

    2 the followers of nascism is called brown shirts.

    3 Nascism was more violent movement as compare to fascism.

    4 it refer to nationalist socialist worker party.

    5 it give more emphasis on race in terms of social,economic policies.

    6 nascism saw individual as well as state.

    2 fascism

    1 fascism was started by benito mussolni in itlay.

    2 it is dereived from latin word fasco,which means bundle of rods.

    3 fascism was less violant than nascism.

    4 the followers were called as black shirts.

    5 it not give much importance to race.

    6 in fascims empasis is only given to the state not to individual


    both hitler and mussoloni were idiots who kill innocent humans mercilessly,they both die a death which is worse than a dog.

    god bless you and will give you power,beauty and knowledge

    all the best for the future

  2. Narcism is loving yourself a bit too much.

    Fascism is holding extreme right wing views and pretty much hating everything outside of your 'own culture'.  

  3. Concept of both are same. Adlof Hitler formed his political party "National Socialist party" and acquired power in Germany in 1030s. NATSI or NATZI is the German name of his party .so, broadly,  his party's rule is Nazism. Fascism is an idelogical phylosophy as against marxism adopted by Hitler.

    concepyually, Fascism is the dictatorship of one party as against democracy.

  4. See Nazism and Fascism were contemporary movements around the world war . The nazism was propogated by ADOLF HITLER and fascism was propogated by BENITO MUSSOLINI . Nazism was propogated in Germany and fascism was propogated in Italy.

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