
Can someone stop liking you and genuinely like you again? ?

by  |  earlier

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I think the guy I am seeing has lost interest in me. He pursued me so passionately and stopped, I think he got bored talking to me b/c I couldn't think of anything to say on our last date, he couldn't think of anything to say either. He is recently divorced and wants to take things slow, he said, but he said that before this date that I described. Can someone stop liking you and genuinely like you again? I would really like it if he could start pursuing me again and to have a relationship with him. What do I have to do to see that happen?




  1. Sounds like he pursued you to see if he was still desirable and still had it. Once he knew that you desired him you answered his question. If he was dumped recently he is probably still in love with his wife. It will take a long time for him to get over her. If he did the dumping then he will  play the field for awhile, have some fun, then he'll settle down with someone after he's tired of the games. Anyway, If he likes you he'll be back DO NOT CALL HIM period. Nobody likes a stalker. If he doesnt call it wasnt meant to be.  

  2. It's possible but also highly unlikely, there are plenty other fish in the sea hunny.

  3. When a man lost interest to a woman there's nothing much that a woman can do to make a man interested to a woman again.  All a woman can do is to wait if she's willing to do that for a man to pursue her again but sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't and it all depend of why the man lost interest to a woman in the first place. And based on your words as to your last date both of you haven't talk much because couldn't think of anything to say so basically he got the impression that you're not interesting at all (sorry not being mean here but it happens). Some men expect women to start an interesting topic and base on the topic that's how he will know you better.  So my advise to you next time you're on a date prepare some interesting topic that you can discuss with your date.

  4. This question belongs in the dating section !

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