
Can someone sue if they have a profile on

by  |  earlier

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just wondering if that can happen. i know its silly but whatever




  1. LOL????

  2. Is it true is the question?

  3. There are legal consquences to posting someone there----but seriously---if some guy or girl is checking to make sure they AREN'T on it--chances are they are NOT calling a lawyer to defend them. They are on there cause they deserve to be there. However, if someone is posting pics of a person without the persons consent...yes--that is illegal and you can get in trouble. Also, if you post out of bitterness and are lying about it all, then you can get in trouble.

  4. first guy is full of it.

    there is plenty of case law favoring the site and the posters already, for better or worse.

    you can probably search at and read all about it.

  5. I sued and won, for spreading knowingly untrue lies.  NEVER tell lies that you know arent true, thats known as slander or libel, when its written.

    I got $35k from my ex, and it made it feel much better knowing that she lied and I got paid for it.

  6. In US, anyone can sue anyone. Winning is the key question.

    To win a suit, the plaintiff (the person who sues) would have to prove that they posted it, and that it was untrue.

    Posting true things is legal (mostly) unless it violates privacy laws. Tricky.

  7. If the picture that is used was taken in public, or posted on something like Myspace, then that picture is considered public domain, and therefor, a lawsuit shouldn't be won based on that. Now, what is said, ie, if the person is telling lies, about the person posted on the site, then they could be sued for slander. But, if the picture is just posted, and nothing said, then there isn't much anyone could do.

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