
Can someone sue you when you own nothing?

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Can someone sue you when you own nothing?




  1. Sure , but guess what... It's only a judgement and if you don't have any money then they have to wait until you get some, like an inheritance or something like that.

  2. Of course.  Do you think that poor folk are immune from suit for their actions?  A lawsuit ends up with a judgment -- an order to pay.  If you do not pay, then a judge can see if you are refusing to pay or if you lack the ability.  If you refuse, you can be jailed for contemtp.  The judge can also order garnishment of wages but if you have no income and no property, there is not much that can be done except renew it every few years for the rest of your life, so that if you ever have a dime, they can get it.

  3. Sure can. The trick is to keep owning nothing. At least nothing that they can get their hands on in the future.

  4. Yes, but they will get exactly what you have...nothing.

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