
Can someone summarise the book "prince and the pauper?

by Guest61852  |  earlier

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ive read the book but i was having trouble following..can someone tell the story to me in a simpler way, like what happens, what events happen? basicly tell me the whole story so i can understan..and dont talk to me like im 3 i bought a 10th grade version




  1. OK, I'll try and summarize it the best possible: Tom Canty is a poor lad in late 1500's England. Unbeknownst to him is the fact that he was born the same day as -and bears a striking resemblance to-  Prince Edward Tudor, son of Henry VIII. One day while Tom plays near the gates of the castle the guards are about to send him away but is defended by the prince himself, who invites him to enter the castle, and once there they decide on a whim to exchange their clothes and roles. Once outside Edward has to face the many difficulties of Tom's life, like dealing with his drunken and abusive father, while Tom has to deal with the many duties of a crown prince and soon the court take him to be mentally ill. Edward meets Miles Hendon, a soldier who has just returned from war and who takes him under his protection, and soon the news are spread that the king has just died and thus, Edward is the righteous king.

    During his confrontation with the outside world, Edward becomes conscious of the unjustice and inequities of his people. After a visit to Miles estate and discover that he has been usurped of his inheritance by a close relative, Edward vows to change the incorrect aspects of his kingdom and so he and Miles rush to Westminster Abbey to stop the coronation of Tom, who is scared of becoming the king. Once the two boys are confronted again and tell the truth the court refuses to believe that the rag- clad Edward is the one true king, until he produces the royal seal from a hiding place where he had placed it before departing. Once crowned, he gives Miles Hendon the rank of Earl and sees to his inheritance being given back to him, and names Tom king's ward.

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