
Can someone summarize what each of this means?

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View 1

"Multiculturalism ... has heightened our differences rather than diminished them; it has preached tolerance rather than encouraging acceptance; and it is leading us into a divisiveness so entrenched that we face a future of multiple solitudes with no central notion to bind us."

View 2

"Multiculturalism in the 1990s is about removing barriers to the full participation, full contribution, and full citizenship of all Canadians, regardless of their background and cultural heritage. Its policies are aimed at breaking down the barriers to equal rights and responsibilities-barriers such as racism, low literacy levels, and disregard for the rights of minorities."




  1. view 1: multiculturalism is bad because it sets us apart instead of uniting us

    view2. multiculturalism is good because it breaks down barriers like racism and bring us togethe

  2. do your own homework.

  3. i think  view 1 is saying that no matter how many people from different races get together and have mixed kids it will always be racism. People will never really accept it they will just keep their thoughts of acceptance to themselves. So they will still think " look at that girl/boy..they must be mixed with something..that's weird..or that's nasty" or whatever..but they wont express them verbally to anyone!..

    i agree with view 1 ..remember though this is only in America..Why people wanna migrate here..i always wonder!

    view just saying how it should be or how some people think it should be..It should be no racism and equal rights for everyone no matter what they look like on the outside.

    hope this helps!

  4. acceptance.

    treat others like you would like to be treated.

  5. Please don't put value judgments on anything in a sociology class. There are actions and reactions, functions and latent functions etc...

    In your first example Multiculturalism has not lead to a melting pot, it has not merged peoples.

    In the second example Multiculturalism has lead to unification (or will) and has (or will) lead to a level field of literacy, rights etc...

    A good sociologist could argue both these points (either of them) as being good or bad and/or true or false. In relationship to Canada which is a large place isolated situations must be existent to make arguments on both sides. In areas like Croatia one could point to examples of multiculturalism leading to genocide.

    "Time heals all wounds and wounds all heals" and although there are sociological standards which more or less predict certain results there are none that are infallible or take all components into account. Particularly with integrating two variant societies.

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