
Can someone summerise what effects the price of rice has on the Thai rice farmer?

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Thailand is the worlds biggest exporter of rice, and there is a world shortage of rice, and yet there doesn't seem to be much expectation of the rice farmer being any better off. Why?




  1. Agree.  The rice farmers take all the downward pressure when the price drops and this year the market rises so the Chinese running Bangkok put in price controls so they can continue to buy cheap rice.  They're driving Mercedes around Bangkok accusing the farmers of being greedy.

  2. Rice is corrupted by racketeering here in Thailand, where the Thai Farmers are forced to sell to the middle man (syndicate) who pay very little per ton of rice to the farmers, then reap all the rewards of the profit when the international price of rice rises. Farmers are pressured, forced, scared into taking the syndicates offered price no matter what.

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