
Can someone survive trauma to the frontal and posterior sections of the brain with massive hemorrhaging?

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i am doing a mock trial and was wondering if someone could survive that if they get intimidate medial attention.





  1. This question leaves out too many aspects.

    As  the learned answer above points out, many more details are needed.

  2. Survive?  Probably.  People have survived under conditions I wouldn't have believed.

    Survived unscathed?  Most likely not, with what I can tell from your description, but I'd need more detail.  Trauma to the brain can range from a simple concussion at the one end of the scale to, well, total destruction.  Is the hemorrhaging in the brain itself?  Bleeding into the brain is bad.  The other thing is that with brain injury, even with quick neurosurgical attention, there is only so much you can do.  No doctor can cure brain damage--often with trauma it's a case of trying to relieve the pressure and then waiting and seeing what happens.

    I'll give you two examples that could be injuries that you're describing, one survivable and one not.  One:  person is in a car accident and impact with the dashboard causes a contre-coup injury to the brain, where the impact is in the front but the brain is knocked back within the skull by the impact.  That'll give the frontal and posterior injuries.  At the same time, they break their leg and bleed heavily.  There's the hemorrhage.  Survivable, maybe even without any permanent deficit.

    Scenario number two:  .45 gunshot wound to the head.  Damage to the frontal and posterior sections of the brain, massive hemorrhage.  Not survivable.  ;-)

    Mock trials are fun!  I used to be a standardized witness for a law school once in a while.

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