
Can someone take a look and offer thoughts.?when do i test?

by  |  earlier

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Very out of wack cycle. can someone take a look and offer thoughts.?

july 2-7th very light flow (normal occurance) 21 day cycle. july 22-30th spotting equlivent to less than an ounce per day(different). according to math i should have started august 12. august 2nd and 3rd FELT as though aunt flow was comming but no bleeding. august 15-22nd spotted so lite the toilet paper barely looked pink. the morning of 22nd i became violently neasus . .blead very heavy for 4




  1. Sounds like you are most likely pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test to confirm. If it is negative and still no period 5-7 days later, take another test. Make sure you take them in the morning.

    Good luck! :)

  2. Take a First Response pregnancy test.

  3. test now

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