
Can someone teach at a USA college with two B.A.Honour degrees?

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Can someone teach at a USA college with two B.A.Honour degrees?




  1. You typically need a PhD to teach at a US University. You can teach at a Community College with a Master's.

    I don't know of any college or university that hires full time instructors who only hold a BA

  2. Most colleges would want at least a Masters, but a community college or something like that would more than likely accept two BA degrees.  You could start as an adjunct to get your foot in the door.  And, LOL, I do work at a somewhat crappy, small private college.  I have a BA and and Masters and I'm the library director.  Of course, I happen to be fabulous.  :-)

    Many of our faculty have only Masters degrees, and I would not be surprised if some only have BAs, but we focus a lot on music-related fields, and we have some fantastic musicians who are not necessarily academicians.  All our department chairs have Ph.Ds, though.  

  3. I really doubt it.  Go get a PhD.  Though you might be able to swing it with a Master's.  If it's a really crappy school, that is.

  4. No, I think you need a PhD, unless of course you are a TA.

  5. Not really. A trade school perhaps would take you. Alternate Education in a Secondary Environment. You could teach ROP in the high school level with a Vocational Ed Crederntial. This would be for the state of CA.

    I did teach some computer classes in a community college part-time because they preferred someone with industry experience. Other schools that offer online programs and non-traditional education would also be a place to pursue. Schools such as Devry that rely on people with work experience in the field more than education.  

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