
Can someone teach me how to spike??

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Is the timing crucial?? What about the arm? Confused...




  1. ok the 1st thing you need to know is how to approach and when to do it. to a approach you place you right foot infront of you left (if left hand do opposite) then take 3 steps one big one with you left then a medium one with your right then a small one with left. you should end up about a half a foot away from the net. you take off at the ten foot line. you start you steps when the ball reaches the peek of it arch when set or half waythrought the set. your left arm should be your guide  and you right arm should be drawn back in an arrow then when you are about to hit and you have jumped off the ground straighten your arm out!!! never bend it!! then snap your wrist when you make contact with the ball. then you drop down to cover yourself!! just in case of a block

  2. Work on your approach without the ball.  If you are going to use 3 steps and you are right handed, start with a big left step, then a big right step and then the small step with the left.  (It is called the closure step.  It will help you go up and not forward.)  After you land, quickly go back to your starting point and do the approach again.  Try about 10 as quickly as you can and then take 1 minute break and repeat.  Try to do at least 100 approaches.  You can not do an approach when you get the ball and think about your feet AND the timing on the ball.  Your feet have to go on their own.  Once you are comfortable with your feet, have someone set you.  At least 100.  Or more.  Become best friends with a setter.  They want to practice their sets and you want to practice your hits.

  3. Keep your arm straight, and hit the ball at the highest point, timing is the basis, and do not start your approach until you see where the ball is going to be set or how high is going to be set. Other advice, is to practice your wrist "slap", to change the direction of the ballwhen you hit it to avoid the blockers.

  4. first of all, i can't teach reallie depends on your effort you put into volleyball, for example, me, i put alot of effort in i can actually do a reallie good spike and i mean really good honestly....anyways, if you really want to know how to spike than the only thing you know and need to do is practice, not  to be mean but it's the truth, the more you practice the better you get! I mean do you want me to teach you how to jump and hit the ball with all your might?? I mean, you know all that already don't you??

  5. JUMP REALLY HIGH!!, hit hard, while snapping ur wrist downward

  6. Three Basic Types of Spikes; Approach is Always the Same

    An effective team has several different methods of attacks in their arsenal. The three basic attacks are the dink, the off-speed spike, and the hard-driven spike.

    The dink is an effective tool when your opponents have learned the timing of your attack. A well placed dink behind the opponent's front line will often demoralize the opponent and let your team gain the momentum.

    The off-speed spike is like a dink but delivered deeper into the opponent's court.

    The hard-driven spike is hitting hard with the idea of getting the ball to the ground as fast as you can.

    Whether you dink, off-speed spike or slam down a hard driven spike the approach to the ball should always look the same.

    Wait for the spike with your weight shifted forward and ready to move. Be careful not to start off to early and keep an eye on the setter until the ball is set.

    After the set maintain eye contact on the ball and start your approach when the ball is half the distance from yourself and the setter.

  7. Timing is important.  Try being a little earlier than you think, because you don't want to end up hitting the ball with your arm.  Just like serving, the ball needs to be in front of you when you hit. (not behind or strait above you)

    Practice hitting the ball against the wall so you are hitting the ball solidly and with control.  (hit the ball on the floor right next to the wall)

    (I'm right handed) and My coach told me to raise my LEFT arm as I go up to hit it.  Then bring your right arm around to hit the ball (and left arm goes back down as you hit).  

    Practice your approach, so it is the same every time.  When you go to jump your feet should be angled a little (not straight on to the net).

    Placement is more important than how hard you hit it!  Look for holes and put it there!

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