
Can someone teach me to surf please?

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ive always wanted to surf ever since i first saw it and i was like 5 or 6 but my parents never let me and continue to not let me. i snowboard and skateboard. im a quick learner. can someone teach me how to surf please? im under 18 so i cant just get lessons and i cant wait any longer. if u teach me then i can at least practice until my 18th birthday? can you show me step by step? are there any youtube videos or something that can teach me? thanks




  1. Your parents let you skate and snowboard but not surf? What the h**l? That's really odd, man. Surfing's the original. It's where it all got started, little man. There wouldn't be "skating" or "snowboarding" if it wasn't for surfing! Tell your parents that! Anyway,  no one can surf for you. Every surfer will verbalize the basics but you will have to do it on your own. Over and over and over again. It's called "trial and error" learning. If I were you, I'd find a buddy so you can implement (use) the "buddy system" at the beach. That is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY. As a matter of fact, that's an order young man. The ocean is beautiful and the most positive natural element known to man. But make no mistake, if treated or put to use inappropriatly, she is equally as dangerous. You also want to find that buddy so you can gang up on your parents, that way you can participate in the positivity produced from surfing. Good luck!

  2. just lay on your board and paddlle towards a wave. when a wave does come just stand up and try to balance. u are not going to get it the first time. u can get dvds or books that teach u better

    i would tell u more with a better explaination but my boyfriend is the pro surfer not me. hope thats helpful


  4. Do you live near the beach?  Maybe you can get some tips from local surfers.

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