
Can someone tel me why Aussie Rules football is called.......?

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.......Aussie Rules when the game does not have any rules?




  1. ,

  2. The players are not bright enough to understand rules, that's why.

  3. If you don't think the game has any rules then you haven't been to see a game and this great game evolved in Melbourne years back as mainly something to keep the cricket fraternity fit during the cricket offseason as a sort of mixture between rugby, soccer and I forget what else (I think the Australian Aboriginals had a game where they kicked a skin ball around too that influenced Aussie Rules) and became such a popular spectator sport.  There are many rules involved like if you have possession of the ball you have to get rid of it by kicking or handpassing before the other team "tackles" you and you are thus "Holding the Ball".  You cannot run too far with the ball without bouncing it or touching the ground with it;  you cannot push an opponent "in the back", You can't swear at the Umpire or remonstrate with him,  there is a certain way you can hand-pass - you can't just throw the ball to a teammate, when a player is going for a "mark" (catch) you can't interfere with his arms.  You can run anywhere on the ground that you like and go backwards or forwards - there is no "off-side" but players generally stay around their own area - like whether a forward or a backman.  To get the hang of this game you must go with someone who can explain things as the game progresses.  Sometimes it seems those in the crowd know more than those Umpires (well we think we do???).  

    So it is not "Rafferty's Rules" it is indeed Australian Rules.

  4. Ha,But it does? For example push in the back, 50 metre penalty if you abuse an umpire etc,etc.

  5. This Homer Simpson bloke sure displays a great knowledge of footy----I suppose that's why he chose that nick!

    I always laugh at the term Aussie Rules Football. Does anyone else use, say, American Rules Foorball-English Rules-Dutch Rules & so on?

    Yeah, I just remembered----Gaelic Rules Football, but do they call it that over there, or is it just us here in Aussie?

  6. BECAUSE AUSTRALIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. Yeah it should use the proper name for Aussie Rules... Aerial Ping Pong haha

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