
Can someone tell about china and tibet?

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in not too many words? it's one of those things i should know, but haven't been paying attention.




  1. try reading this cos it's too long to explain.

  2. I will suggest you to read from the enclycopedia such as wikipedia instead...

    Please don't just read the friendsoftibet 's link nor the chinese government's official link.... they both have their own political agenda, both are biased

    First established what is fact (with hard evidence such as treaty signed, video etc ) and then you can hear both side of arguments, then you can make up your mind.

  3. Tibet was absorbed with China in 1911 during the Quing Dynasty.  Today, as Tibetans fight for independence, the Chinese Gov is not allowing their independence for a variety of reasons.  One the reasons are China's fear of a country where people under the same nation will be divided.  For example, say California was to become an independent nation.  Same goes for Tibet and China.  China fears that Tibet may become a nation that will have a society where Chinese People and Chinese people will be under discrimination, conflict, or just a big divide.  For Taiwan it is pretty much the same; yet there are other reasons.  

    But geographically, if China allowed Tibet to be an independent nation, where will a large percentage of Eastern China's water comes from if Tibet were to control the source.  China Has alot of reason...

  4. While China claims that Tibet has always been a part of China, Tibet has a history of at least 1300 years of independence from China. In 821 China and Tibet ended almost 200 years of fighting with a treaty engraved on three stone pillars, one of which still stands in front of the Jokhang cathedral in Lhasa.

    The treaty reads in part: Both Tibet and China shall keep the country and frontiers of which they are now possessed. The whole region to the East of that being the country of Great China and the whole region to the West being assuredly the country of Great Tibet, from either side there shall be no hostile invasion, and no seizure of territory... and in order that this agreement establishing a great era when Tibetans shall be happy in Tibet and Chinese shall be happy in China shall never be changed, the Three Jewels, the body of Saints, the sun and the moon, planets and stars have been invoked as witness.

    I have enclosed the link if you care to read up a bit more on the subject.     Hope this helps you out.   Good Luck !!

  5. Well....i cant tell you the exact details........but Tibet once upon a time was a soverign autonomaous republic ruled over by the Dalai Lamas. Then around 1960's or so (perhaps earlier) China invaded Tibet and claimed that Tibet is and has always been a part of China. Then the Dalai Lama escaped to India where he has been granted political asylum. But meanwhile allegedly there have been reports of human rights abuses by the chinese govt. on th tibetians....and hence till date they continue to fight for their Independence for the preservation of their cultural and political identity.

  6. China occupied Tibet 50 years ago.  Since then the Dali Lama has called for peaceful methods to get his country back.

    The Dali Lama is not merely a priest or high priest.  The Dali Lama is believed to be the reincarnated Buddah.

    Dali Lama interview

    Tibetan Monks

    Tibetan Monks debating

    Dali Lama speaks about truth - the weapon of truth etc

    American Buddhist Perspective

    American Buddhist Perspective. Buddhism. Philosophy. Ecology. Life. ..... up to

    watch Barack Obama's now famous 'A More Perfect Union' speech on YouTube. ... - Cached


    This famous parable is quoted by Shinran in the Kyogyoshinsho. ... AMERICAN BUDDHIST

    STUDY CENTER'S BLOG AND ARTICLES offers insightful articles from Shin ... - Cached

    Allen Ginsberg DVD London

    Allen Ginsberg, Beat poet, humanitarian, Buddhist, father of 'flower-power',

    peace campaigner and ... Famous American Beat poet, teacher and photographer. ... - Cached

    Tibet Was, Is, and Always Part of China - Video

    Free Tibet! famous American scholar talking about Tibet YouTube, DALAI LAMA SLAMS

    CHINA Oneindia, Bush urges Jintao to reopen talks with Dalai Lama Oneindia ...


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