
Can someone tell me about.....?

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Can someone tell me about a Virgo man (September 12) and a Sagittarius female (November 25) relationship.

*This is just a question, I don't need any of the 'Astrology isn't real' stuff!*




  1. I got this information (copy) from the book: The only astrology book you'll ever need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk

    Virgo and Sagittarius

    These two are like the grasshopper and the ant. Sagittarius's free spirit has nothing in common with hardworking Virgo. Sagittarius has a reckless gambler's spirit, while Virgo carefully builds for future security. Both are intellectual signs but the way their minds work clashes with each other. Sagittarius is expansive and extravagant, while Virgo perfers a simple, ordered, and unpretentious life. Sagittarius considers Virgo's sexual attitudes rather prudish, and wont stay long in one bedroom anyway.

    Sagittarius and Virgo

    Shy, reticent Virgo cant take the initiative, which makes Sagittarius think Virgo is prudish. both have intellectual learnings, so they may end up having some interesting conversations in bed. Elsewhere, Virgo looks for order and simplicity whereas Sagittarius looks for excitement and new experiences. Virgo wants a long term commitment; Sagittarius has to be free to roam. Sagittarius's slapdash ways irritate meticulous Virgo. When Virgo carps and criticizes this is sometimes a way of showing its cares, but Sagittarius will never understand that. Little bodes well in this affair.  

  2. Your intelligence and success is attractive to Virgos, who are more image-conscious than they care to admit. You see the world very differently than your Virgo, though. While you're looking at the big picture, they're focused on the details. While you appreciate the forest, they are in awe of the veins on one leaf. If you can learn to appreciate each other's outlook - however strange it may seem at first-- you can make a great team in both work and love. You can inspire your Virgo with your optimism, and you can calm his or her critical nature with humor.

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