
Can someone tell me about the African diaspora of China?

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Can someone tell me about the African diaspora of China?




  1. TODAY

    A forum for Africans living in Shanghai (interesting!)

    There are two emerging African communities in China: one is the Chungking Mansions in Hong Kong, and the other is Tianxiu Building in Guangzhou.

    Chungking Mansions has been for decades the den of ultra low budget travellers. Today, the clientele is primarily African; the hotel is often accused of providing sleeping quarters for illegal foreign workers and undocumented immigrants.

    Black dating site in Guangzhou

    Little Africa in Downtown Guangzhou

    “Africa is life, is love” says an upbeat Senegalese trader in the lead to “Trade Rhythms,” published in Hong Kong’s English-language South China Morning Post (January 3, 2007). Brandon Zatt’s colorful piece zooms in on the African trading community in bustling Guangzhou, touching on everything from Arabic signage to prejudice and the travails of quality control in the World’s Factory. Africa is hot in China right now, so the digest newspaper Cankao Xiaoxi’s decision to translate Zatt’s piece and spotlight China’s largest community of Africans comes as no surprise.  But the paper also does its own “re-packaging”, i.e., adding headlines, captions and deleting references deemed unbecoming to China’s image.  About one-half of Zatt’s piece has been translated and do such deletions shape the story for the China reader?  The Chinese digest tends to highlight the image that African traders are numerous and prospering in Guangzhou, downplays problems they encounter in doing business there, and omits a motif that opens and closes the English original: African traders in Guangzhou are not the sole beneficiaries of this relationship—the Chinese benefit too.

    Tough for Africans to work in China

    Teaching english is not the only "industry" where Africans are not welcome. In fact Chinese do not believe in our intellectual capabilities, but when it comes to singing, dancing and arts they will prefer you over others.  I have been in situations where with the same academic qualifications I have been offered a "Chinese" salary (no offense here) while my fellow friends from the developed world have been provided with expat packages.

    New York Times

    (African students studying in China run in to discrimination)

    The racial confrontations in Nanjing, Wuhan, Beijing and Hangzhou have in some cases taken on a political character and have thereby presented the Government with the most serious challenge since student pro-democracy demonstrations were crushed two years ago.

    At least 100 immigrants from African nations are currently trapped in Macau as the result of new visa restrictions in the mainland, the South China Morning Post reported yesterday.  The group is stranded here – without enough money to return home – after being refused visas to re-enter the mainland, the English daily said.  The newspaper quoted a Malian resident of Guangzhou, who asked not to be named, as saying “Our people are suffering in Macau. Some are stuck there with no money. I know of one woman who has given birth while stuck in Macau. She is in a very difficult situation. She didn't have any money.”  

    The claims come as members of the African community in Guangzhou claim their communities are being driven from the mainland by new visa restrictions, the newspaper reported, citing an unidentified spokesman for the community. Nearly half of the 10,000 Africans in the city have already been forced to leave because their visa-renewal applications have been denied and many are stranded in Macau, Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia.  African nationals in the city have been running small businesses on flexible, six-month ``F'' visas and are now being given only tourist visas of up to 15 days, the Post said.  The increased presence of immigrants from African countries is due to the boom in trade between the mainland and African nations.


    Eugene Chen, the lawyer who was at one time China's Foreign Minister, married Agatha Ganteaume, who was of black French descent. They had four children. Born in Trinidad in 1878, Chen later went to China to join the Chinese nationalist movement as a protege of Sun Yat-sen. He died while under house arrest during WWII.

    Kunlun Nu ("The K’un-lun Slave" or "The Negrito Slave") was a wuxia romance written by P’ei Hsing (traditional Chinese) (c. 880) during the Tang Dynasty. The Hero of the tale is a Negrito slave that uses his supernatural physical abilities to save his master's lover from the harem of a court official.

    It was, in fact, the Portuguese who brought the first African slaves, as household domestics, to East Asia when they landed in Macau in 1513.  Macau was no exception: the Portuguese were not particularly benevolent masters to their Chinese and other subjects; most of the city was built on African slave labour, and after the decline of the commodities trade and the rise of Hong Kong in the second half of the 19th century, it became a centre for the trade in human labour, in 'coolies', virtual slaves, who were recruited by, or offered themselves unknowingly to, Macau traders for indenture. They came mostly from the mainland. Many girls were also sent to Macau and other places by Chinese families and became domestic workers and prostitutes.

  2. i don't know if there is anything about African diaspora of China but thats a good question

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