
Can someone tell me about the first baby car seat invented?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like an explaination of car seats when they were invented. Could someone possible direct me to a page where it has a picture of one?




  1. Contact one of the seat manufacturers and ask their PR department.  I can tell you that by 1982 they worked quite well, see answer above, and was responsible for saving my son (he's 26 now) when our car was totaled.  However, it looks very dated compared to a beefier modern seat!

  2. Great question! So I looked it up...apparently, the first few predecessors to car seats weren't at all concerned with safety, but just to keep children from moving about the car when it was moving. Swedish car designers in the 60's were the first to address this with the first rear facing (rf) car seat. But when they were introduced to consumers, few bought them, as with little education they all thought it was a useless expense. So, during the 70's, education campaigns began to try and teach parents that car seats were necessary. And shortly after that, governments started making laws requiring them. By 1985 every state had a car seat law.

  3. Invented by Dan Kincheloe (San Clemente. Ca)

    US Patent # 4500135

    Publication Date:  2-19-85

    for baby car seat with protector (tray that goes over head and cushions baby in case of collision

    Pics available at Wikipedia:  Infant car seats

  4. i don't know about a web page but i remember mine. it was the early fifties.  it was two rubber covered hooks that hung over the back of the car seat.  it had a vinyl covered thin wooden seat and back and it all hung on metal rods with a metal rod in front. i was not strapped in.  mine had a little plastic steering wheel with a horn.  it was for seeing out and staying in one place without parents holding me.  it had no safety value.

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