
Can someone tell me about the latest health care in ireland?

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Can someone tell me about the latest health care in ireland?




  1. There's a two tier healthcare system in operation at the can choose to go private  ( which is expensive) and you can have health insurance whiach can be anything up to 1500 euro per person (if not more) .. this private healthcare is more like the equivalent to staying in a 4 star hotel instead of staying in a 2 star hotel  ( which the government funded system is..) but most people will still use the cheaper system , and don't believe the hype...if you are really sick and need an operation, you will not be left father was ill this year and had his surgery only a couple of days after they found the problem.. but that's not the same for everybody..especially for non emergency corrective surgery, ( like hip operations for example) the advantage of this is that people on low incomes and the elderly are treated for free, and even though you have to pay initially ( around 50 euro) most other treatments are covered by your initial payment.. it's not an ideal system as many people spend days on trolleys in hospital A&E departments waiting for a bed to become available, and a triage sysyem is in effect whereby you could be next in line,but you will lose your place if someone with an emergency is admitted...but at least it's better than the American system.. I just saw SICKO the other day, and I'm glad I don't live in the states

  2. If you can go private, health care is top class.  If you are a public patient, there are long waiting lists, and some services have been withdrawn to save money at the same time as politicians have awarded themselves and others big increases that they have not earned.  Does that answer your question?

  3. The health system in Ireland is absolutely Atrocious. Anyone will tell you that. Speaking from many experiences and other people's views (both foreign and Irish)

    One word for you : Brutal !!

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