
Can someone tell me all the positions in rugby?

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i was wondering what the names of the positions are, where they are located on the field, and what they do




  1. Forwards:

    #1: Loose Head Prop - used mainly for scrums and lifting in the lineouts

    #2: Hooker - hooks for the ball in scrums and throws the lineouts

    #3: Tight Head Prop - similar function to the Loose Head

    #4: Lock / 2nd Row - The "engine room" of the scrum. Usually used as one of the lineout jumpers

    #5: Lock / 2nd Row - The "engine room" of the scrum. Usually used as one of the lineout jumpers

    #6: Blind Side Flanker - a "loose" forward. A mobile player, whose job it is to get around the field and try to win the ball for his team.

    #7: Open Side Flanker - similar to the blind side

    #8: Number 8 - Can be used as a jumper and also as a loose forward. Usually a strong ball carrier and tackler.


    #9: Half-Back - retrieves the ball from rucks, mauls and set plays. He is the link between the forwards and the backs

    #10: Fly-Half - the "playmaker", he makes the decisions as to what plays to run, whether to kick or pass. A very dangerous player.

    #11: Left Wing - Usually a great finisher and try scorer. A lot of pace, elusiveness and ego

    #12: Inside Center - Usually a tough nosed player. A hard tackler and the player who will carry the ball up in the backs

    #13: Outside Center - A cross between the inside center and a winger

    #14: Right Wing - Similar to the Left Wing

    #15: Full Back - The last line of defense and usually a dangerous attacking player

    The alignment of players on the field assuming there is a scrum on the left hand side of the pitch would be:












  2. In rugby you can pass the ball only backwards. So, mainly, forwards have to recover the ball, and backs run and make the try.

    There are 8 forwards. And they are named (and numbered) as they go into the scrum.

    There is a first row, 3 players, the hooker at the middle, and two pillars at each side. The left pillar is nº 1 and is called open pillar (the head from the pillar he will be confronting, will go between his head and his hookers head - stays kind of lose); hooker (who is supposed to hook backwards the ball) is nº2; and the right side, or "close pillar, is nº3

    Then you have a second row, where are supposed to be the tallest and heaviest players from the team. They are supposed to give the greatest push, and to jump hi on the line outs. Their numbers are 4 & 5.

    Then you have a third row.

    The one on the middle - nº8 - also called look forward, is supossed to administrate the side way and moment the ball goes out.

    The other two, who really stand behind the second row forwards, (not at the same line as the nº8 - nº8 leans his hed on the 2nd row gluteus - and this two players , nº 6 & 7 lean their shoulders). They are called wing-sides, and their job is to leave the scrum as soon as posible and go to tackle oponents or help their backs. They must have a very good tackle, be strong and quick.

    Player nº 9 is called "middle scrum". he throughs the ball into the scrum, and either, take and pas it to his backs, or be next to his opponent "middle scrum", and try to tackle him, or kick the ball, befor he can pass it.

    Nº 10 is called the "Fly half". He must be very good cordinated with his "middle scrum", and start running before the ball left the middle scrum hands. He also choses  which way to go.

    Nº 11 and 12 are called centers. They must run, avoid tackles or tackle according to circunstances, have a very good pass, and strenght to collide.

    Nº 13 & 14 are called wings (or wings 3/4). Supposedly, they are the last man on the row, and have to be so fast as to reach the ingoal.

    Nº 15 is the full-back.  He must have very good hands to take long shots, and a very good kick to make long shots. He is a strategic player, who my introduce himself between two backs, make the "extra" man, avoid tackle, and convert.

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