
Can someone tell me how i could work towards emigrating to Mexico or Argentina from England ?

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im 30 im in hard cirumstances- wait for therapy for bpd and ptsd..

missed out alot in life...never been qualifications..

criminal record etc.

but im working hard to change things and i know i have to be really waiting for therapy etc.

i have these strong goals and ambitions to get a good job in computers that pays well..

but ultimatly i aim to leave in emigrate.

so id appreciate if someone can give me instructions and off me hope..

i know i have to try and be really strong




  1. Don't know but if you're the last person to leave the Country please turn the light out!

  2. contact the countrys embassys and ask for the requirements and am sure they will point you in the rite direction, good luck

  3. Frankly you must think this out a little more - Do they have the equivalent of the NHS in Mexico?  Looks like you are here to stay pal - unless you are absolutely sure you can afford to pay for health insurance for ever and health insurers generally do not cover pre-existing conditions prior to the insurance being taken out.

    However it may be the making of you - if you think you can do without health cover.

  4. You have chosen 2 very difficult countries!

    They both have many problems, and it would be hard to love in either.  I am not trying to make you think there is a problem, just a word to the wise.  Also do you speak Spanish? that would be the number one thing for wither Country, because it is not like your Country or mine (USA) where we cater to others and speak their language.  You are on your own there and have to speak Spanish.  You are Guilty until proven innocent, many things.

    Concentrate on getting some sort of a job and then possible visiting and seeing what can be done.  Do not give up.  When you have a goal you have to work on it.  I am in Love with someone from te UK, and want to do all the paperwork and immigration things legally.  take your time and research what is out ther.  Good luck to you and dont be so hard on yourself.  everyone has problems and a strong person overcomes!  The best of luck!

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